Change default tracks of `kubeflow` bundle and charms

Hello, we need to change:

  1. The default track of kubeflow bundle to 1.9/stable
  2. The default track for each of the following charms as indicated below:
charm new default track
admission-webhook 1.9/stable
argo-controller 3.4/stable
dex-auth 2.39/stable
envoy 2.2/stable
istio-gateway 1.22/stable
istio-pilot 1.22/stable
jupyter-controller 1.9/stable
jupyter-ui 1.9/stable
katib-controller 0.17/stable
katib-db-manager 0.17/stable
katib-ui 0.17/stable
kfp-api 2.2/stable
kfp-metadata-writer 2.2/stable
kfp-persistence 2.2/stable
kfp-profile-controller 2.2/stable
kfp-schedwf 2.2/stable
kfp-ui 2.2/stable
kfp-viewer 2.2/stable
kfp-viz 2.2/stable
knative-eventing 1.12/stable
knative-operator 1.12/stable
knative-serving 1.12/stable
kserve-controller 0.13/stable
kubeflow-dashboard 1.9/stable
kubeflow-profiles 1.9/stable
kubeflow-roles 1.9/stable
kubeflow-volumes 1.9/stable
metacontroller-operator 3.0/stable
mlmd ckf-1.9/stable
minio ckf-1.9/stable
oidc-gatekeeper ckf-1.9/stable
pvcviewer-operator 1.9/stable
tensorboard-controller 1.9/stable
tensorboards-web-app 1.9/stable
training-operator 1.8/stable


Hey Noha! Thanks for your request!

I’ve just applied all the changes you requested. A couple of comments though:

  1. Unable to find admission-webhoook charm. I suppose admission-webhook is the right name of the charm, I’ve coached a default track change for it.
  2. JFYI, track names don’t include risk(stable, edget, etc), so I’ve set the default flag for tracks 1.9, 2.39, etc.
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Hi Alex, thanks for handling this!

  1. Correct, that was a typo in the charm name. It’s admission-webhook.
  2. Good to know! So in this case when someone deploys the charm without specifying the channel, will it deploy the default track with the stable risk for them? I’m assuming that’s the default behavior IIUC.

As far as I know it’s correct. Sorry for delayed answer.

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