Centos LXD deployments affected when using a Jammy host


I am running Jammy on a dev box and am hitting some interesting issues launching centos7 lxd containers. Please keep in mind that launching the containers works as expected using 20.04.

I seemed to be blocked from using centos7 containers in general and with Juju.

$ juju add-machine --series centos7

$ juju status | grep centos7
15       pending                  juju-91c14c-15  centos7      Running
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Release:	22.04
Codename:	jammy

$ lxd --version

$ snap info lxd | grep installed
installed:          5.6-794016a              (23680) 142MB -

$ snap info juju | grep installed
installed:          2.9.34                       (20510) 95MB classic 

Try to launch centos7 upstream image.

$ lxc launch images:centos/7/amd64
Creating the instance
Instance name is: inviting-macaw
Starting inviting-macaw
Error: The image used by this instance requires a CGroupV1 host system
Try `lxc info --show-log local:inviting-macaw` for more info
$ lxc launch images:centos/7/amd64 --debug
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Connecting to a local LXD over a Unix socket
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Sending request to LXD                        etag= method=GET url="http://unix.socket/1.0"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Got response struct from LXD
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z]
		"config": {
			"core.https_address": "[::]"
		"api_extensions": [
		"api_status": "stable",
		"api_version": "1.0",
		"auth": "trusted",
		"public": false,
		"auth_methods": [
		"environment": {
			"addresses": [
			"architectures": [
			"certificate_fingerprint": "6f962636c7c072c4fc3add998d5fd6544a684d248383bf99d61fc91fd80a7d3a",
			"driver": "lxc | qemu",
			"driver_version": "5.0.1 | 7.1.0",
			"firewall": "nftables",
			"kernel": "Linux",
			"kernel_architecture": "x86_64",
			"kernel_features": {
				"idmapped_mounts": "true",
				"netnsid_getifaddrs": "true",
				"seccomp_listener": "true",
				"seccomp_listener_continue": "true",
				"shiftfs": "false",
				"uevent_injection": "true",
				"unpriv_fscaps": "true"
			"kernel_version": "5.15.0-48-generic",
			"lxc_features": {
				"cgroup2": "true",
				"core_scheduling": "true",
				"devpts_fd": "true",
				"idmapped_mounts_v2": "true",
				"mount_injection_file": "true",
				"network_gateway_device_route": "true",
				"network_ipvlan": "true",
				"network_l2proxy": "true",
				"network_phys_macvlan_mtu": "true",
				"network_veth_router": "true",
				"pidfd": "true",
				"seccomp_allow_deny_syntax": "true",
				"seccomp_notify": "true",
				"seccomp_proxy_send_notify_fd": "true"
			"os_name": "Ubuntu",
			"os_version": "22.04",
			"project": "default",
			"server": "lxd",
			"server_clustered": false,
			"server_event_mode": "full-mesh",
			"server_name": "raton00",
			"server_pid": 2756,
			"server_version": "5.6",
			"storage": "dir | zfs | btrfs",
			"storage_version": "1 | 2.1.4-0ubuntu0.1 | 5.4.1",
			"storage_supported_drivers": [
					"Name": "ceph",
					"Version": "15.2.16",
					"Remote": true
					"Name": "cephfs",
					"Version": "15.2.16",
					"Remote": true
					"Name": "cephobject",
					"Version": "15.2.16",
					"Remote": true
					"Name": "dir",
					"Version": "1",
					"Remote": false
					"Name": "lvm",
					"Version": "2.03.07(2) (2019-11-30) / 1.02.167 (2019-11-30) / 4.45.0",
					"Remote": false
					"Name": "zfs",
					"Version": "2.1.4-0ubuntu0.1",
					"Remote": false
					"Name": "btrfs",
					"Version": "5.4.1",
					"Remote": false
Creating the instance
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Connecting to a remote simplestreams server   URL="https://images.linuxcontainers.org"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Connected to the websocket: ws://unix.socket/1.0/events
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Sending request to LXD                        etag= method=POST url="http://unix.socket/1.0/instances"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z]
		"architecture": "",
		"config": {},
		"devices": {},
		"ephemeral": false,
		"profiles": null,
		"stateful": false,
		"description": "",
		"name": "",
		"source": {
			"type": "image",
			"certificate": "",
			"alias": "centos/7/amd64",
			"server": "https://images.linuxcontainers.org",
			"protocol": "simplestreams",
			"mode": "pull",
			"allow_inconsistent": false
		"instance_type": "",
		"type": "container"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Got operation from LXD
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z]
		"id": "2e7ed9d7-563d-4b49-9ec1-6bf57ea620c7",
		"class": "task",
		"description": "Creating instance",
		"created_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.47522011Z",
		"updated_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.47522011Z",
		"status": "Running",
		"status_code": 103,
		"resources": {
			"containers": [
			"instances": [
		"metadata": null,
		"may_cancel": false,
		"err": "",
		"location": "none"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Sending request to LXD                        etag= method=GET url="http://unix.socket/1.0/operations/2e7ed9d7-563d-4b49-9ec1-6bf57ea620c7"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Got response struct from LXD
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z]
		"id": "2e7ed9d7-563d-4b49-9ec1-6bf57ea620c7",
		"class": "task",
		"description": "Creating instance",
		"created_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.47522011Z",
		"updated_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.47522011Z",
		"status": "Running",
		"status_code": 103,
		"resources": {
			"containers": [
			"instances": [
		"metadata": null,
		"may_cancel": false,
		"err": "",
		"location": "none"
Instance name is: massive-dinosaur
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Sending request to LXD                        etag= method=GET url="http://unix.socket/1.0/instances/massive-dinosaur"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Got response struct from LXD
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z]
		"architecture": "x86_64",
		"config": {
			"image.architecture": "amd64",
			"image.description": "Centos 7 amd64 (20221007_07:08)",
			"image.os": "Centos",
			"image.release": "7",
			"image.requirements.cgroup": "v1",
			"image.serial": "20221007_07:08",
			"image.type": "squashfs",
			"image.variant": "default",
			"volatile.apply_template": "create",
			"volatile.base_image": "26f5f8a7ee17c67f918b9dc0386b0a50a3437ed1b35794105849684239f367e3",
			"volatile.cloud-init.instance-id": "4a420f24-e5c3-4b4f-ba84-f0fb4bd07192",
			"volatile.eth0.hwaddr": "00:16:3e:fa:27:bf",
			"volatile.idmap.base": "0",
			"volatile.idmap.next": "[{\"Isuid\":true,\"Isgid\":false,\"Hostid\":1000000,\"Nsid\":0,\"Maprange\":1000000000},{\"Isuid\":false,\"Isgid\":true,\"Hostid\":1000000,\"Nsid\":0,\"Maprange\":1000000000}]",
			"volatile.last_state.idmap": "[]",
			"volatile.uuid": "aeb4ae20-eeeb-4e73-8569-815e0779b211"
		"devices": {},
		"ephemeral": false,
		"profiles": [
		"stateful": false,
		"description": "",
		"created_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.550066651Z",
		"expanded_config": {
			"image.architecture": "amd64",
			"image.description": "Centos 7 amd64 (20221007_07:08)",
			"image.os": "Centos",
			"image.release": "7",
			"image.requirements.cgroup": "v1",
			"image.serial": "20221007_07:08",
			"image.type": "squashfs",
			"image.variant": "default",
			"volatile.apply_template": "create",
			"volatile.base_image": "26f5f8a7ee17c67f918b9dc0386b0a50a3437ed1b35794105849684239f367e3",
			"volatile.cloud-init.instance-id": "4a420f24-e5c3-4b4f-ba84-f0fb4bd07192",
			"volatile.eth0.hwaddr": "00:16:3e:fa:27:bf",
			"volatile.idmap.base": "0",
			"volatile.idmap.next": "[{\"Isuid\":true,\"Isgid\":false,\"Hostid\":1000000,\"Nsid\":0,\"Maprange\":1000000000},{\"Isuid\":false,\"Isgid\":true,\"Hostid\":1000000,\"Nsid\":0,\"Maprange\":1000000000}]",
			"volatile.last_state.idmap": "[]",
			"volatile.uuid": "aeb4ae20-eeeb-4e73-8569-815e0779b211"
		"expanded_devices": {
			"eth0": {
				"name": "eth0",
				"network": "lxdbr0",
				"type": "nic"
			"root": {
				"path": "/",
				"pool": "zfs-pool",
				"type": "disk"
		"name": "massive-dinosaur",
		"status": "Stopped",
		"status_code": 102,
		"last_used_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"location": "none",
		"type": "container",
		"project": "default"
Starting massive-dinosaur
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Sending request to LXD                        etag= method=PUT url="http://unix.socket/1.0/instances/massive-dinosaur/state"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z]
		"action": "start",
		"timeout": -1,
		"force": false,
		"stateful": false
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Got operation from LXD
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z]
		"id": "e116f3f4-5f26-41cd-aaee-e48a8d0ab95b",
		"class": "task",
		"description": "Starting instance",
		"created_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.698924181Z",
		"updated_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.698924181Z",
		"status": "Running",
		"status_code": 103,
		"resources": {
			"instances": [
		"metadata": null,
		"may_cancel": false,
		"err": "",
		"location": "none"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Sending request to LXD                        etag= method=GET url="http://unix.socket/1.0/operations/e116f3f4-5f26-41cd-aaee-e48a8d0ab95b"
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z] Got response struct from LXD
DEBUG  [2022-10-07T16:39:26Z]
		"id": "e116f3f4-5f26-41cd-aaee-e48a8d0ab95b",
		"class": "task",
		"description": "Starting instance",
		"created_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.698924181Z",
		"updated_at": "2022-10-07T16:39:26.698924181Z",
		"status": "Running",
		"status_code": 103,
		"resources": {
			"instances": [
		"metadata": null,
		"may_cancel": false,
		"err": "",
		"location": "none"
Error: The image used by this instance requires a CGroupV1 host system
Try `lxc info --show-log local:massive-dinosaur` for more info

If I build and import my own centos7 as opposed to using the upstream image, I am able launch the centos7 container, but it doesn’t get an ipaddress.

 $ lxc launch juju/centos7/amd64 jca
Creating jca
Starting jca

$ lxc list | grep jca
| jca                 | RUNNING |                        |      | CONTAINER       | 0         |

We can see the ubuntu container does get an ipaddress though.

$ lxc launch ubuntu:22.04
Creating the instance
Instance name is: certain-mammoth
Starting certain-mammoth

$ lxc list | grep certain-mammoth
| certain-mammoth     | RUNNING | (eth0)   |      | CONTAINER       | 0         |

Introspecting a bit further, it seems the instance interface just doesn’t want to take an ip address, even when I try to force it by defining a static ip :frowning:

# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

[root@c1 ~]# ifconfig eth0
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet6 fe80::216:3eff:fea9:4b2d  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:16:3e:a9:4b:2d  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 25  bytes 1846 (1.8 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 21  bytes 1662 (1.6 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

I suppose this is more of a lxd issue than a Juju issue, but Juju is definitely affected as centos7 deployments no longer work using the lxd/localhost provider.

Any ideas?

Possibly I need to file a bug with lxd somewhere.

Thank you

Looks like the host machine must switch to use cgroup1 in order to launch centos containers, https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/cannot-launch-centos7-images-using-a-jammy-host/15306/2?u=jamesbeedy

To force Jammy to use cgroup1:

  1. Add systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0 to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in the /etc/default/grub file.
sudo -e /etc/default/grub
  1. Update grub
sudo update-grub
  1. Reboot machine
sudo reboot
  1. Launch centos7
$ lxc launch images:centos/7/amd64
Creating the instance
Instance name is: sacred-serval
Starting sacred-serval

$ lxc list | grep sacred-serval
| sacred-serval       | RUNNING | (eth0)  |      | CONTAINER       | 0

There we have it!