Hi! I’m trying to install Charmed Kubeflow on macos according to the docs. These commands worked fine:
brew install juju
minikube start
juju add-k8s myk8s
juju bootstrap myk8s my-controller
juju add-model kubeflow
After that I read the minimal requirements for the memory, changed my memory settings and restared the Docker Desktop. Now any juju command gives the same error, e.g.:
$ juju status
ERROR cannot connect to k8s api server; try running 'juju update-k8s --client <k8s cloud name>'
juju update-k8s
does not solve the issue. I tried to remove and install the juju package again, to reboot the laptop. I didn’t find any service or running process related to juju. I checked that minikube is running and my kubectl works. It means that the kube’s config contains the correct address of the kube’s API.
How to fix the issue?