Hey there! Thanks for linking us in @timClicks.
I’m @zicklag from KatharosTech, and, just a small correction to Tim’s list above, we are actually in the US, not Greece, though the name is in fact Greek.
@mehmetaydogdu your use-case sounds really interesting and is actually along the lines of some of the stuff we have been thinking about lately in regards to Juju. Coincidentally we also just announced a Juju GUI prototype as a test-bed for ways of interacting with Juju that we hope would make it easier to work with and manage. This concept could be extended or a different GUI developed for such a Heroku-like orchestration solution.
Also an interesting Open Source option in the Heroku-like space is Dokku, so maybe deploying Dokku with Juju is a viable option.
It would be really great to talk to you about your use-case if you are open to a web meeting.