I can ssh into, apt install, snap install, and reach http and https endpoints from the spawned instance, but even after 10 mins or more, the instance still hangs.
Hmm looks like bootstrap isn’t able to ssh to the machine.
bootstrap.go:669 connection attempt for failed: No user exists for uid 595156457
Does that UID look familiar to you? Are you able to ssh to that machine (while its stuck bootstrapping) using either of these keys?
15:15:35 INFO cmd authkeys.go:113 Adding contents of "/home/jbemfv/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
15:15:35 INFO cmd authkeys.go:113 Adding contents of "/home/jbemfv/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
Yes. I can ssh into the box while it is stuck bootstrapping (as the “ubuntu” user), and yes, the UID does look familiar. The long UID is the UID of my user on the box I am bootstrapping from.
Curious if you use snap run --shell juju and try to ssh from within the snap. The snap should be able to read /etc/passwd, but I’m wondering if your user is from ldap or something?
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/snap/openstack/584/juju/bin/juju', 'bootstrap', 'ready-boa', 'sunbeam-controller']' returned non-zero exit status 1. ERROR initializing ubuntu user: subprocess encountered error code 255 (No user exists for uid 1088603223) ERROR subprocess encountered error code 255 (No user exists for uid 1088603223)
Error: Command '['/snap/openstack/584/juju/bin/juju', 'bootstrap', 'ready-boa', 'sunbeam-controller']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
I can figure out the first juju command but I’m unable to proceed.