Azure Storage Integrator documentation

Azure Storage Integrator is a charm to store credentials for Azure blob storage and Azure Data Lake Storage v2 and provide them for other charms which seek to access shared object storage data.

This charm supports both bare-metal/virtual-machines and K8s.


  1. Deploy the azure-storage-integrator charm:

    juju deploy azure-storage-integrator
  2. Configure the relevant connection parameters for your storage by using the juju config command. For example:

    juju config azure-storage-integrator storage-account=stoacc container=conn

    For all available configuration parameters, see the Configurations tab.

  3. Add a new secret to Juju, and grant permission for Azure Storage Integrator:

    juju add-secret mysecret secret-key=<your_secret_key>
    juju grant-secret mysecret azure-storage-integrator
  4. Add the secret to charms configuration:

    juju config azure-storage-integrator credentials=secret-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. Once configured, integrate the S3 integrator charm with a consumer charm:

    juju integrate azure-storage-integrator <consumer-charm>

Now you can use Azure storage credentials via juju integration. For information on what charms support this integration, see the Integrations tab.

Whenever someone changes the configuration options in Azure Storage Integrator charm, appropriate event handlers are fired so that the charms that consume the relation on the requirer side see the latest information.

Retrieve data via Juju command

To retrieve connection parameters:

juju run azure-storage-integrator/leader get-azure-connection-info

Learn more

For more information on how to manage secrets in Juju, see the How to guide in Juju documentation.

Project and community

Azure Storage Integrator is an open-source project that welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback. For more information: