The Azure Storage Integrator is a Juju charm to manage Azure storage credentials and connection details.
Azure Storage Integrator securely stores and shares credentials with consumer charms in a centralised way, eliminating the need to update credentials manually for each charm. It is useful for anyone managing multiple charms that rely on shared object storage in Azure.
This charm is workloadless and can be deployed in both machine and K8s Juju environments.
This charm is still in development. Deploy the charm from the “edge” channel:
juju deploy azure-storage-integrator --channel latest/edge
For feature requests or bug reports, please submit issues on GitHub.
Use your Azure storage account to configure the connection parameters:
juju config azure-storage-integrator storage-account=<Azure_storage_account> container=<Azure_storage_container>
Azure Storage Integrator charm supports Azure Blob Storage (using the WASB and WASBS protocols) as well as Azure Data Lake Storage v2 (ABFS and ABFSS protocols). By default, it uses the ABFSS protocol compatible with the Azure DataLake Gen2 storage which requires the “Hierarchical namespace” feature to be active.
See more: charm’s configuration parameters, Juju config command reference.
Add your Azure storage key to Juju as a secret and make a note of the secret-id
from the command’s output:
juju add-secret mysecret secret-key=<Azure_storage_key>
Now grant permission for the Azure Storage Integrator charm and configure it to use the secret:
juju grant-secret mysecret azure-storage-integrator
juju config azure-storage-integrator credentials=<secret-id>
Integrate the Azure Storage Integrator charm with a compatible charm:
juju integrate azure-storage-integrator <consumer-charm>
After the integration is complete the Azure Storage Integrator charm is ready to share storage credentials with the consumer charm via Juju integration.
To retrieve connection parameters with Juju action, run:
juju run azure-storage-integrator/leader get-azure-connection-info
Further information
Any configuration change in the Azure Storage Integrator charm triggers the event handlers to update the relevant consumer charms accordingly.
For further references, see:
- Charm’s Integrations
- Charm’s Configuration parameters
- Juju actions
- How to manage secrets guide in Juju documentation
Project and community
Azure Storage Integrator is an open-source project that welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback. For more information: