Are your charms using the right oci-image?

Due to canonical/charming-actions#139, charms may not be using the oci-image that is defined in the metadata.yaml file, but the last one that is available on Charmhub.

Who is affected?

Charming teams whose repositories use the canonical/charming-actions/upload-charm action <2.6.2.

The issue was causing the following:

my-charm 1.1/stable -> oci-image:100
my-charm 1.2/stable -> oci-image:105
my-charm latest/edge -> oci-image:105

Where the build of latest/edge generated a new oci-image (105), and then there was another build after that for 1.2/stable which did not intend to change the image, but because of the issue, it automatically got resource 105.

The expected end result should have been:

my-charm 1.1/stable -> oci-image:100
my-charm 1.2/stable -> oci-image:103
my-charm latest/edge -> oci-image:105

What is the solution?

Bump the version of the action to 2.6.2, the fix has been released already.

Special thanks to @orfeas-k who fixed the issue.

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