Accelerate Charming with UV

Charm Engineering is always looking for ways to improve our processes to developing, building, and testing charms. Even conventional tools are being scrutinised, and nothing is considered an ideal tool.

Enter uv, a Rust-based package manager for Python that claims to be 10 to 100 times faster than traditional options ( pip, poetry, …).

Summary of Changes

Directory structure

├── Makefile
├── charmcraft.yaml
├── pyproject.toml
├── uv.lock
├── src/
│   ├──

We no longer need the requirements.txt and tox.ini files.

Test Commands

  • tox -e lintmake lint
  • tox -e staticmake static
  • tox -e fmtmake fmt
  • tox -e unitmake unit
  • tox -e scenariomake scenario
  • tox -e integrationmake integration

Do we still need Tox?

For the migration, we will look at what changes are required to implement uv.

Using a Makefile for Setup

We decided to move away from tox because it manages its own virtual environments in .tox whereas, uv defaults to .venv. It felt weird to try and sync them, so instead we went with Make which is acting as our command runner to execute tests and prepare (using uv) environments.

The following is the Makefile portion which handles setup

PROJECT := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))

SRC := $(PROJECT)src
TESTS := $(PROJECT)tests
ALL := $(SRC) $(TESTS)

export PY_COLORS=1

# Update uv.lock with the latest deps
	uv lock --upgrade --no-cache

# Generate requirements.txt from pyproject.toml
	uv export --frozen --no-hashes --format=requirements-txt -o requirements.txt
  • make lock
    • This command updates the uv.lock file by using the dependencies section of the pyproject.toml with uv logic to determine how to achieve an explicit web of pinned dependencies (uv.lock).
  • make requirements
    • This command dynamically creates the requirements.txt file during the charmcraft build step from the uv.lock file.

Using a Makefile for Testing

Within the same Makefile we also define our tests:


lint: <SOME TESTS>
static: <SOME TESTS>
unit: <SOME TESTS>
	uv run --frozen --isolated --extra dev \
		pytest \
		$(TESTS)/integration \

The use of the --frozen, --isolated, and --extra options are interesting here. These are specific to uv run which runs (in this example) the pytest command without updating the uv.lock file, running in an isolated virtual environment, and using the dev optional dependencies.

The integration test can also be run with optional arguments:

  • make integration ARGS="pytest-specific args"

Packing the Charm

Since we no longer have a requirements.txt file in the root of the charm, we need to modify the charmcraft.yaml.

      - astral-uv
    override-build: |
      make requirements
      craftctl default
    charm-requirements: [requirements.txt]

The charm-requirements defaults to [requirements.txt], but without setting it (counter-intuitive), the charm does not respect the requirements.txt when generated dynamically during build.

We now install uv via the atral-uv snap into the charm and generate the requirement.txt dynamically prior to resuming normal charm build operations with craftctl default.

Defining Dependencies

By upgrading the pyproject.toml with a project.dependencies and project.optional-dependencies sections we can set our Python dependency pins here. The idea is to leave this unpinned as possible to allow uv to determine the combinations of packages to satisfy the requirements.

name = "my-lightning-fast-charm"
version = "0.0"  # this is in fact irrelevant
requires-python = "==3.8.*"  #

dependencies = [
    # ---PYDEPS---

dev = [
  # Linting
  # Unit
  # Integration

When deciding which requires-python version to pin to, refer to the build-on key in the charmcraft.yaml file. The Ubuntu release will come with a specific Python version which can be found here for focal.

We currently need to sync the PYDEPS of our charm into the pyproject.toml since the charmcraft.yaml only respects the pyproject.toml.

If your library requires any dependencies outside the standard lib, ops, and the transitive dependencies of ops, then create a regular Python package (and installing from PyPI or from source control or wherever you like) than using a charm lib. However, it’ll be a while before that becomes common practice.

Backwards Compatible CI

Since we are gradually moving away from tox we need a way to support both tox and uv with make in CI. The fix for this is to conditionally check for the existence of the tox.ini file and run the respective testing command.

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python3 -m pip install tox
          sudo snap install --classic astral-uv
      - name: Run linters
        run: |
          cd ${{ inputs.charm-path }}
          [ -f tox.ini ] && tox -vve lint || make lint

External Links


Nice, we (Charm Tech) love uv and quite like using the Makefile as a simple way to specify tasks to run, given how ubiquitous make is. We’re not quite ready to push this approach to the charmcraft init profiles, as it looks like uv might come with it’s own task runner before too long (there’s a comment from the main ruff/uv guy Charlie Marsh from August saying “Weah we plan to support something like this! We haven’t spent time on the design yet.”) If that does get implemented we’d recommend that, and switch the charmcraft init profiles; in the meantime, uv + make seems like a good pairing.

We’d ask that charmers try to keep the make target names the same as the existing Tox ones, so we can standardise somewhat on the names. This helps with cross-charm tooling. For example, @tony-meyer made a tool that we use (“super tox”) that downloads many charms and runs a command like tox -e unit against all of them. It could easily be extended to run make unit, but only if we keep target/command names consistent.


@benhoyt I added the Test Commands section to address your comment about standard naming convention.

I also look forward to the day that UV supports its own task runner!

This could have interesting design impacts on charmcraft test, and its interaction with spread, @lengau @cmatsuoka.

Just so you know, Charmcraft will be getting its own uv plugin soon too, which will (roughly) run uv sync --no-dev into the venv environment.


I’m not sure it’ll have a huge impact on how we work since the design has already been around for a while. However, I could see potential future uv-based templates adding charmcraft test as a task.

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An update on this: Charmcraft 3.3, which goes to stable on Monday, has the new uv plugin! :tada:

Special thanks to @bepri for this work!


Here is the contribution for the charmcraft uv plugin:

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Here is the rendered reference about the uv plugin. We don’t have a how-to yet.

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