How to manage SSH keys

See also: SSH key


Add an SSH key

To add a public ssh key to a model, use the add-ssh-key command followed by a string containing the entire key or an equivalent shell formula:

# Use the entire ssh key:
juju add-ssh-key "ssh-rsa qYfS5LieM79HIOr535ret6xy
jfqQgZfjVF5vz8LESQbGc6+vLcXZ9KQpuYDt joe@ubuntu"

# Use an equivalent shell formula:
juju add-ssh-key "$(cat ~/"

See more: juju add-ssh-key

To add a public ssh key to a model, in your Terraform plan create a resource of the juju_ssh_key type, specifying the name of the model and the payload (here, the SSH key itself). For example:

resource "juju_ssh_key" "mykey" {
  model   =
  payload = "ssh-rsa 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 user@somewhere"

See more: juju_ssh_key (resource)

Import an SSH key

To import a public SSH key from Launchpad / Github to a model, use the import-ssh-key command followed by lp: / gh: and the name of the user account. For example, the code below imports all the public keys associated with the Github user account ‘phamilton’:

juju import-ssh-key gh:phamilton

See more: juju import-ssh-key

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

View the available SSH keys

To list the currently known SSH keys for the current model, use the ssh-keys command.

# List the keys known in the current model
juju ssh-keys

If you want to get more details, or get this information for a different model, use the --full or the --model / -m <model name> option.

See more: juju ssh-keys

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

Remove an SSH key

To remove an SSH key, use the remove-ssh-key command followed by the key / a space-separated list of keys. The keys may be specified by either their fingerprint or the text label associated with them. The example below illustrates both:

juju remove-ssh-key 45:7f:33:2c:10:4e:6c:14:e3:a1:a4:c8:b2:e1:34:b4 bob@ubuntu 

See more: juju remove-ssh-key

To remove an SSH key, remove its resource definition from your Terraform plan.

See more: juju_ssh_key (resource)

Contributors: @hmlanigan, @tmihoc