Charmed Opensearch Dashboards | HowTo | Enable Monitoring

How to enable monitoring (COS)

All commands are written for juju >= v.3.1.7



Offer interfaces via the COS controller

First, we will switch to the COS K8s environment and offer COS interfaces to be cross-model integrated with the Charmed OpenSearch model.

To switch to the Kubernetes controller for the COS model, run

juju switch <k8s_cos_controller>:<cos_model_name>

To offer the COS interfaces, run

juju offer grafana:grafana-dashboard
juju offer loki:logging
juju offer prometheus:receive-remote-write

Consume offers via the OpenSearch Dashboards model

Next, we will switch to the Charmed OpenSearch Dashboards model, find offers, and consume them.

We are currently on the Kubernetes controller for the COS model. To switch to the OpenSearch Dashboards model, run

juju switch <db_controller>:<opensearch_dashboards_model_name>

To consume offers to be reachable in the current model, run

juju consume <k8s_cos_controller>:admin/cos.grafana
juju consume <k8s_cos_controller>:admin/cos.loki
juju consume <k8s_cos_controller>:admin/cos.prometheus

Deploy and integrate Grafana

First, deploy grafana-agent:

juju deploy grafana-agent

Then integrate grafana-agent with consumed COS offers:

juju integrate grafana-agent grafana
juju integrate grafana-agent loki
juju integrate grafana-agent prometheus

Finally integrate (previously known as “relate”) it with Charmed OpenSearch Dashboards:

juju integrate grafana-agent-k8s opensearch-dashboards

After the integration is complete, Grafana will show the new dashboard Charmed OpenSearch Dashboards and will allow access to Charmed OpenSearch Dashboards logs on Loki.

Connect to the Grafana web interface

To connect to the Grafana web interface, follow the Browse dashboards section of the MicroK8s “Getting started” guide.

You can obtain the admin password as follows:

juju run grafana/leader get-admin-password --model <k8s_cos_controller>:<cos_model_name>