PgBouncer Explanations - Charm Statuses

Charm Statuses

:warning: WARNING : it is an work-in-progress article. Do NOT use it in production! Contact Canonical Data Platform team if you are interested in the topic.

The charm follows standard Juju applications statuses. Here you can find the expected end-users reaction on different statuses:

Juju Status Message Expectations Actions
active any Normal charm operations No actions required
waiting any Charm is waiting for relations to be finished No actions required
maintenance any Charm is performing the internal maintenance (e.g. re-configuration) No actions required
blocked any The manual user activity is required! Follow the message hints (see below)
blocked waiting for backend database relation to initialise Normal behavior, charm needs all relations to work. Follow the hint to establish a proper relation.
error any An unhanded internal error happened Read the message hint. Execute juju resolve <error_unit/0> after addressing the root of the error state
terminated any The unit is gone and will be cleaned by Juju soon No actions possible
unknown any Juju doesn’t know the charm app/unit status. Possible reason: charm termination in progress. Manual investigation required if status is permanent