Hello everyone ,
My name’s Tim McNamara. I joined Canonical this week as part of Juju’s core team. I landed my first PR yesterday.
I have a background within scientific computing & data science, primarily using the Python scientific stack. I’ve recently been a data science consultant with lots of data engineering responsibilities, but also have experience with an HPC environment. Hopefully you’ll bear with me while I learn Go idioms… GOPATH is an interesting design decision Let me know if you would like a primer on machine learning & AI at any stage!
You can generally find me online as timClicks (e.g. Twitter & IRC). My website is https://tim.mcnamara.nz/. I’m based in New Zealand , which is currently UTC+1300, or UTC+1200 outside of daylight savings time.
Outside of Juju, I am the organiser of the nascent local Rust meetup, as well as being the author of Rust in Action, published by Manning. The book aims to demystify systems programming while teaching Rust. Each chapter is a worked example. So far, the book includes a CPU emulator, an NTP client and an implementation of a fixed-point numeric type.
Delighted to be part of the project. Do feel free to ping me via whichever channel you prefer at any stage!