This post deals with a subset of allowable values for container-inherit-properties, namely apt_primary, apt_security and apt_sources - all those dealing with package repositories.
The model config setting container-inherit-properties is documented as allowing:
a limited set of cloudinit parameters enabled on a Juju machine to be inherited by any hosted containers.
This description turns out to be overly general; the settings are specifically intended as a way for MAAS repository configuration to apply to containers in addition to the MAAS-provisioned hosts.
Prior to MAAS 2.5, these happened to be written under /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d with a structure similar to the example below.
- arches: [default]
The Problem
Since the release of MAAS 2.5, the logic for representing MAAS repository settings on hosts has changed. It is handled by Curtin instead of Cloud-Init, and the location and structure of the data has changed. It now resides in /root/curtin-install-cfg.yaml and is represented as the contents of what would go in /etc/apt/sources.list under a single key, like this:
sources_list: 'deb $RELEASE multiverse
restricted universe main
# deb-src $RELEASE multiverse restricted
universe main
deb $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted
universe main
# deb-src $RELEASE-updates multiverse
restricted universe main
deb $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted
universe main
# deb-src $RELEASE-security multiverse
restricted universe main
deb $RELEASE-backports multiverse
restricted universe main
# deb-src $RELEASE-backports multiverse
restricted universe main
This means the feature no longer works on MAAS 2.5+ and a bug has been raised accordingly.
Adding a new search location to the configuration retrieval is not difficult, but the problem posed is that of extracting the allowed key values from the new sources_list.
Solution Proposal
Handling the MAAS 2.5+ case could be done as follows:
- Include /root/curtin-install-cfg.yaml in the data searched for inherited keys.
- Effectively ignore apt-primary and apt-security for these MAAS versions.
- If apt-sources is set, pull the value for the sources_list key into the inherited Cloud-Init values.
- Modify the documentation for the additional behaviour, and perhaps elaborate for the configuration option generally to inform of the MAAS-specific usage.
An alternative would be to include a new key, so that for MAAS 2.5+, the operator would have to use apt-sources_list as an inherited key.