Hi, I’m trying to set a persistent volume in my charm for a k8s app. I’m having trouble setting the capacity of the volume requested. In my metadata.yml, I’ve put:
At deploy time, the user can then (or is expected to in production scenarios) specify the actual storage configuration to be used, eg
$ juju deploy foo --storage database=100G
The default storage provisioned on k8s is a PV but you can also choose to use k8s emptyDir backed by either memory or disk for prototyping or testing etc, eg
$ juju deploy foo --storage database=tmpfs,1G
$ juju deploy foo --storage database=rootfs,1G
The above tmpfs and rootfs storage types map to generic Juju storage concepts applicable to any type of deployment, k8s or cloud.
Admitting some ignorance here, but one thing that has got me stuck a few times is figuring out how to tell Juju about which Docker image I want attached as a resource to local charms during development.
If I run docker pull redis, what commands do I need to execute to convert that image into a resource accepted by the deploy command?
Is it necessary to use juju attach-storage for local charms, e.g.: