Why Can't You Specify Ubuntu and Centos in the Charm Series?

Thanks @szeestraten, I hadn’t seen those yet.

With the Lucky framework, the plan is to do one thing that is specific to the operating system, and that is to install Docker ( or maybe a different container engine ). Aside from that difference, the charm should run the same regardless of the distro because of the containerized application. That difference in how Docker is installed will be handled by the Lucky framework, automatically enforcing the best practice for how to install Docker and removing any platform specific code from the users charm.

Additionally, when it comes to Python support, if and when Lucky gets Python support, it will be designed so that Python is embedded in the Lucky framework itself and will have no dependency on the system Python version.

I think that the bigest reason that we have very few charms that can run on both distros is because there are no tools available for charm developers to write distro agnostic charms. Almost everything out there today is heavily dependent on tools like apt and python that don’t run on both distros, but by building on tools such as Docker or Snap, it should be perfectly possible to write distro agnostic charms with a perfect respect for the best practices.

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