Strictly confined juju snap available for testing

I’ll give it a try:

  1. The distribution of juju via snap is not working well with centos. We gave up on that and are now left with the only option to just distribute the binary.
  1. Our multiuser environment with NFS, ActiveDirectory integrations (LDAP/kerberos) makes it impossible to build charms with charmcraft. This is true on Ubuntu + Centos (likele all other distros too). This is a client side issue.

  2. The same issue is true since juju also installs the “ubuntu” user via the machine agent. It breaks all distros that does not have the ubuntu user natively (and frankly irritates the f*ck out of other distro-ambasadors. Juju is offending to centos-users (and all other distros). This is a server side issue.

  1. snapcraft - I don’t know how to build charms in anything except single-user ubuntu machines installed with snap. That is just making the whole tool ubuntu specific altogether. This is just wrong since it will never expand juju outside of this at all.
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