Getting Started
A typical deployment with nova and libvirt is as follows:
(The metrics will be at http://nova-compute:9177)
juju deploy nova-compute
juju deploy prometheus-libvirt-exporter
juju add-relation nova-compute prometheus-libvirt-exporter
To avail of the metrics in grafana the following steps can be used:
juju deploy grafana
juju deploy prometheus2
juju add-relation prometheus-libvirt-exporter:scrape prometheus2:target
juju add-relation prometheus-libvirt-exporter:dashboards grafana:dashboards
To setup reporting with nagios:
juju deploy nrpe
juju add-relation nova-compute nrpe
juju add-relation prometheus-libvirt-exporter:nrpe-external-master nrpe:nrpe-external-master
To change or update dashboards:
# The exporter is distributed with a standard dashboard
# To provide your own dashboards, create a zip file and attach it as a resource
zip libvirt-simple.json libvirtadvanced.json
juju attach-resource prometheus-libvirt-exporter dashboards=./