Getting Started
Deploy as a subordinate charm of an existing charm.
juju deploy ubuntu --series focal
juju deploy prometheus2 prometheus --series focal
juju deploy prometheus-grok-exporter --series focal
juju add-relation ubuntu prometheus-grok-exporter
juju add-relation prometheus-grok-exporter:prometheus-client prometheus:target
juju add-relation prometheus:grafana-source grafana:grafana-source
juju add-relation prometheus-grok-exporter grafana
Using the default configuration of the charm, prometheus-grok-exporter won’t start until the metrics and global paths are set.
global_paths is comma separated list of files to monitor. All metrics not specifying an individual path are applied to all log files defined by this option.
metrics is a yaml file defining valid metrics for the prometheus-grok-exporter. Refer to the metrics documentation from the grok_exporter git repository.
Example of a valid configuration:
global-paths: "/var/log/syslog"
metrics: |
- type: counter
name: syslog_msgs_total
help: Total number of syslog msgs, by program (ie daemon)
match: '%{SYSLOGBASE}'
program: '{{.program}}'
Grafana Dashboard
The charm will send a default dashboard to Grafana stored in files/grafana-dashboards/grok-exporter-dashboard.json
The dashboard assumes that in Grafana is set a datasource called prometheus - Juju generated source
If the data source is called differently in Grafana (i.e. prometheus2 - Juju generated source
you will need to provide a new dashboard through Grafana.
Then you can proceed with deleting the old dashboard manually from the Grafana web interface.