OSM Development Stack

Thank you for the links, Anusha.

Have installed OSM via ETSI link.
We do not explicitly need to add microk8s to OSM, like say we add a VIM (openstack), right?

Onto microstack now.

Thanks again,


I have followed the isntructions and have managed to install OSM Charmed but I’m having an issue with setting up my the Basic network service example as shown in this page.

While I am able to download and upload the packages into OSM, after using the create a basic network service command in my terminal that status stays at building and does not move any further.

Could you help me with this please as im unsure where to go from here. Let me know if there is any further information that I need to provide as well.


Hi again,

just wanted to update that this issue has been resolved. I realized that Nested Virtualization is required when installing OSM Chamed as a virtual machine. I have managed to instantiate the basic NS service example. I would appreciate it if the community could provide any useful resources to help me go forward from here. Any advice is always appreciated! :smiley:


Hello Anusha,

Sorry for the late reply, we had an event last week and we were preparing it. I don’t know if you are still facing the issue. If that is the case, could you try to reboot both the operator and the mon Pods?

microk8s.kubectl -n osm delete pods mon-k8s-operator-0 --force --grace-period 0
microk8s.kubectl -n osm delete pods mon-k8s-0 --force --grace-period 0

If that doesn’t work, could you provide more information? Could you paste the output of the following commands?

juju status
microk8s.kubectl get pods -n osm
microk8s.kubectl logs <MON_pod> -n osm
microk8s.kubectl describe <MON_pod> -n osm

Thank you very much!

Best regards,


Hi all,

I’m facing this error on my VM, could someone take a look?

ubuntu@ubuntu-KVM:~$ juju bootstrap localhost osm-lxd
Since Juju 2 is being run for the first time, downloaded the latest public cloud information.
ERROR Permission denied, are you in the lxd group?

Please configure LXD by running:
$ newgrp lxd
$ lxd init

ubuntu@ubuntu-KVM:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release

Try id to see what groups you are in, and if you are not in the lxd group then add yourself to that group. Also, you may need to initialize LXD as it says.

Hello Guillermo,

I have the same problem as Michael. I read your answer and I went at the link that you gave. But I got very confused.

Here we have started installing osm from snap, as opposed to the link that they want us to install the osm from the: https://osm-download.etsi.org.

Could you please explain to me a bit about how to do it?

Thanks, Dionysia!!!

Hello Dionysia,

Thank you very much for your comment. The osm snap will only install the osm client only. You will use the osm client to communicate with your osm installation.

Please, use the instructions provided in the previous link. This installation contains the install of the osm client from snap.

If you face any issue withyou installation let me know.

Hey Guillermo,

Thanks for your fast reply :)!!!

I just installed the charmed osm, but I get the same issue:

sudo snap connect osmclient:juju-client-observe error: snap “osmclient” has no plug named “juju-client-observe”

What do you think that I should do??

Thanks again, Dionysia!!!

Have uninstalled the osm client before installing OSM? If you haven’t that could be the issue. Try to uninstall it:

sudo snap remove osmclient --purge

And then install it again:

sudo snap install osmclient

Also, please check if you can connect to the OSM GUI, for that open a browser and try to access to https://ui.<HOST_IP>.nip.io and tell me if you can access.

Finally, did you get any error during the installation?

Best regards,



So, the thing is that I cannot make it work … so, I decided to start from the beginning with a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 installation, and start the whole procedure…

So, could I ask you about the order of the installation process???

Should I install first the osm charmed with command that is found in the

And then continue with the rest: *bootstrap juju onLXD

  • Install MicroK8s
  • Install osmclient snap *etc

Or should I: *firstly install juju and microk8s *and secondly install the osm charmed?

Thanks once more,


If you start with a fresh VM, then you just need to execute the comands found in

wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-10.0-ten/install_osm.sh
chmod +x install_osm.sh
./install_osm.sh --charmed

And that should be it. install_osm.sh script will install microk8s, lxd and the osmclient snap for you, you don’t need to install them manually.

I hope this helps!


Ohhhh niiiicee…

Yeppp that helps a lot actually…

Thanks again… :blush:

Hello Guillermo,

Could I ask you something?? It may be a stupid question but I cannot seem to be able to surpass this issue.

When I create a VIM with the command “osm vim-create… version: 3}’”, I get this error: “Unauthorized: The request you have made requieres authentication. (HTTP 401)”

In the osm etsi doc, in troubleshooting annex, there is this error which is called VIM authentication. But the problem is that I really cannot understand what do they write and how to solve my error.

Could you happen to have an understanding to explain this to me or maybe you could possibly have another source of explaining how to surpass this problem?

Thanks again, Dionysia!!!

So, to reply to my own post haha:

well actually I think that I figured something out at the end…

What I did is that:

  • found the “ca-certificates.crt”
  • imported the “self signed certificates” in the “ca-certificates.crt”
  • tracked down the “docker-compose.yaml”
  • and in this file, I added the volumes: - /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Do you think that this configuration in the volumes is alright?


Not sure if you solved your issue. I have checked the doc you sent me, and it seems to be a bit outdated. We don’t use the docker-compose installation anymore, so you won’t be able to solve it like that.

The 401 error is an authorization error and the reason could be that you are using wrong credentials to access the Openstack (could be the user, the password, the project…). In case your Openstack needs the ca-certificate, then you can use the option ca_cert of the osm vim-create command. There is more information about adding an Openstack VIM to OSM in the following link

I hope this helps!

Hi @gcalvino, I have tried create vim with a ca.crt but I am getting the message below:

Checking connectivity: Invalid URL or credentials (maybe option 'insecure' must be added to the VIM): SSL exception connecting to https://<openstack-auth-ip>:5000/v3/auth/tokens: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='<openstack-auth-ip', port=5000): Max retries exceeded with url: /v3/auth/tokens (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1131)')))

This is the command I used:

osm vim-create --name openstack-site --user admin --password password123 --auth_url https://<openstack-auth-ip>:5000/v3 --tenant admin --account_type openstack --config '{ca_crt: ~/ca.crt}'

I have confirmed that my username and password are correct. What do you think will be the issue?

Thank you!

Hello James,

If you use an openstack with certificates, you need to upload those ceriticates to MON and RO modules in OSM. If you are using Charmed OSM you can do that with the following commands:

certificate=$(cat certificate.crt | base64 | tr -d \\n)
juju config ro certificates="<certificate-name>.pem:$certificate"
juju config mon certificates="<certificate-name>.pem:$certificate"

That will store the certificates under /certs folder, so you will need to create the VIM account using this command:

osm vim-create --name openstack-site --user admin --password password123 --auth_url https://<openstack-auth-ip>:5000/v3 --tenant admin --account_type openstack --config '{ca_crt: /certs/<certificate-name>.pem}'

I hope this helps!

Best regards,


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Hi @gcalvino, thank you for your help. For some reason I could not access the web UI of charmed OSM and I also figured out how to add VIM with insecure ‘True’ according to the OSM documentation with API version v3.3.

Hello James,

Are your issues with the web UI solved? If not, could you provide more details of your installation? Which version of Charmed OSM did you install?

Best regards,


Hi @gcalvino,

I followed this post: First steps with Charmed OSM - charm - Charmhub and installed Charmed OSM version 11. But I couldn’t access to any services such as web ui, grafana etc.

Eventually I installed osm without charmed and it worked.

Kind regards, James