How to use Juju with Microsoft Azure

Hi! Thank you for this write-up! In an attempt to understand what we’re missing from the published docs, I’ve discussed this with @wallyworld . Some notes:

  • Regarding the Limitations: The second and the third actually only apply to option (a).
  • Regarding Method 1: None of the steps related to the service-principal-secret should be necessary – all of them, including setting up the Juju application, are steps Juju does automatically for you when you add the credential in the interactive mode. It sounds like the problem here was that your account somehow didn’t have access to our precreated Juju application. @wallyworld would be happy to work with you to investigate further.
  • Regarding everything else: The remaining details seem right and are as documented in the published doc ( (Though you’re right that it can be confusing to have the same info on New 3.6 feature: support for Azure managed identities as well, especially when given in a slightly different form – we’ll update that forum post to merely point to the published doc, and then try to polish the form in the published doc further so it’s easier to follow along.)