The goal of this document is to provide options for load testing of Charmed MongoDB (VM chamr).
For testing purposes we will use LXD running on t3.2xlarge
AWS instance with 500GB ssd drive.
We will deploy 3 node replica set MongoDB cluster on Ubuntu 22.04 using Juju 3.1.7
Related documentation
This document contains all the required information and commands to run performance testing as well as results of the tests. You can refer to to latest\more detailed information using these links:
- Charmed MongoDB tutorial
- Canonical Observability Stack (CoS)
- View metrics from MongoDB in CoS
- NoSQLBench
Testbed preparation
Please perform following steps to prepare your testbed.
1. Deploy AWS instance
This step is optional in case of running tests on your own hardware
2. Set up LXD
sudo snap install lxd
lxd init --auto
lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv6.address none
3. Setu Juju
sudo snap install juju --channel 3.1/stable
Juju already has a built-in knowledge of LXD and how it works, so there is no additional setup or configuration needed, however, because Juju 3.x is a strictly confined snap, and is not allowed to create ~/.local/share we need to create it manually.
mkdir -p ~/.local/share
4. Bootstrap a controller
juju bootstrap localhost lxd --agent-version 3.1.7
5. Add a model
juju add-model test
6. Deploy a replica set
juju deploy mongodb -n 3
You can check the status of the deployment using:
juju status
juju status --watch 1s --color
7. Obtaining connection string
To run tests agains the deployed cluster you need to obtain a connection string that will be used to connect to the cluster.
export DB_USERNAME="operator"
export DB_NAME="admin"
export REPL_SET_NAME="mongodb"
export DB_PASSWORD=$(juju run mongodb/leader get-password | grep password| awk '{print $2}')
export HOST_IP_0=$(juju exec --unit mongodb/0 -- hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
export HOST_IP_1=$(juju exec --unit mongodb/1 -- hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
export HOST_IP_2=$(juju exec --unit mongodb/2 -- hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
Integration with CoS (optional)
CoS stands for Canonical Observability Stack. Integrating Charmed MongoDB cluster with it can help during load testing to figure out the system behaviour.
The sections below contains the summary and commands from these documents:
Please refer them for the latest updates.
Install and prepare MicroK8s
sudo snap install microk8s --channel=1.27-strict
sudo usermod -a -G snap_microk8s $(whoami)
mkdir ~/.kube
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.kube
newgrp snap_microk8s
microk8s status --wait-ready
Configure MicroK8s
Install dependencies
sudo snap install jq
Configure MicroK8s
microk8s enable dns
microk8s enable hostpath-storage
IPADDR=$(ip -4 -j route get | jq -r '.[] | .prefsrc')
microk8s enable metallb:$IPADDR-$IPADDR
microk8s kubectl rollout status deployments/hostpath-provisioner -n kube-system -w
microk8s kubectl rollout status deployments/coredns -n kube-system -w
microk8s kubectl rollout status daemonset.apps/speaker -n metallb-system -w
Add Juju K8s controller and create a model
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/juju
juju bootstrap microk8s k8s --agent-version 3.1.7
# wait until bootstrap is finished
# make sure that you are using k8s controller
juju add-model cos
Deploy CoS
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/canonical/cos-lite-bundle/main/overlays/offers-overlay.yaml -O
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/canonical/cos-lite-bundle/main/overlays/storage-small-overlay.yaml -O
juju deploy cos-lite \
--trust \
--overlay ./offers-overlay.yaml \
--overlay ./storage-small-overlay.yaml
Again, you can see the status of the deployment using
juju status --watch 1s --color
Once cos is deployed, you will need to:
- Obtain password to connect to Grafana dashboard
- Integrate it with Charmed MongoDB.
To get the the password to connect to Grafana dashboard execute
juju run grafana/leader get-admin-password --model cos
The username for the dashboard is admin. The dashboard will be available at this URI:
Please make sure that required security groups settings are applied to the instance\machine where you are running the tests.
Integrate CoS with Charmed MongoDB
Deploy Grafana Agent in LXD Juju controller
juju switch lxd:test
juju deploy grafana-agent --channel=stable
juju integrate grafana-agent mongodb
Integrate CoS with Charmed MongoDB
juju consume k8s:admin/cos.alertmanager-karma-dashboard
juju consume k8s:admin/cos.grafana-dashboards
juju consume k8s:admin/cos.loki-logging
juju consume k8s:admin/cos.prometheus-receive-remote-write
juju integrate grafana-agent prometheus-receive-remote-write
juju integrate grafana-agent loki-logging
juju integrate grafana-agent grafana-dashboards
Load testing with YCSB
YCSB is Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark - an open source tool that provides CRUD testing capabilities for different databases. The tool can be found here and the documentation specific for testing MongoDB can be found here
Preparing YCSB
Install dependencies
sudo apt update -y
# install java, maven, python 2
sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk maven python2 -y
# symlink python2 to python
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python
Install YCSB
mkdir -p ~/load-testing/
cd ~/load-testing/
curl -O --location https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/releases/download/0.17.0/ycsb-0.17.0.tar.gz
tar xfvz ycsb-0.17.0.tar.gz
cd ycsb-0.17.0
Run tests
Load data
Adjust params as required.
./bin/ycsb load mongodb -s -P workloads/workloada -p recordcount=$RECORD_COUNT -threads $LOAD_THREADS_COUNT -p mongodb.url="$MONGODB_URI"
As a result of the command you should should see something like this:
[OVERALL], RunTime(ms), 521122
[OVERALL], Throughput(ops/sec), 959.4682243313466
[TOTAL_GCS_G1_Young_Generation], Count, 33
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_G1_Young_Generation], Time(ms), 128
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_%_G1_Young_Generation], Time(%), 0.024562386542882474
[TOTAL_GCS_G1_Concurrent_GC], Count, 0
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_G1_Concurrent_GC], Time(ms), 0
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_%_G1_Concurrent_GC], Time(%), 0.0
[TOTAL_GCS_G1_Old_Generation], Count, 0
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_G1_Old_Generation], Time(ms), 0
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_%_G1_Old_Generation], Time(%), 0.0
[TOTAL_GCs], Count, 33
[TOTAL_GC_TIME], Time(ms), 128
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_%], Time(%), 0.024562386542882474
[CLEANUP], Operations, 16
[CLEANUP], AverageLatency(us), 351.8125
[CLEANUP], MinLatency(us), 1
[CLEANUP], MaxLatency(us), 5599
[CLEANUP], 95thPercentileLatency(us), 6
[CLEANUP], 99thPercentileLatency(us), 5599
[INSERT], Operations, 500000
[INSERT], AverageLatency(us), 16636.157778
[INSERT], MinLatency(us), 3330
[INSERT], MaxLatency(us), 595455
[INSERT], 95thPercentileLatency(us), 27871
[INSERT], 99thPercentileLatency(us), 46623
[INSERT], Return=OK, 500000
Run tests
Adjust params as required.
./bin/ycsb run mongodb -s -P workloads/workloada -p operationcount=$OPERATIONS_COUNT -threads $OPERATIONS_THREADS_COUNT -p mongodb.url="$MONGODB_URI"
As a result of the command you should should see something like this:
[OVERALL], RunTime(ms), 1758197
[OVERALL], Throughput(ops/sec), 568.7644786107586
[TOTAL_GCS_G1_Young_Generation], Count, 81
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_G1_Young_Generation], Time(ms), 181
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_%_G1_Young_Generation], Time(%), 0.010294637062854732
[TOTAL_GCS_G1_Concurrent_GC], Count, 0
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_G1_Concurrent_GC], Time(ms), 0
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_%_G1_Concurrent_GC], Time(%), 0.0
[TOTAL_GCS_G1_Old_Generation], Count, 0
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_G1_Old_Generation], Time(ms), 0
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_%_G1_Old_Generation], Time(%), 0.0
[TOTAL_GCs], Count, 81
[TOTAL_GC_TIME], Time(ms), 181
[TOTAL_GC_TIME_%], Time(%), 0.010294637062854732
[READ], Operations, 500517
[READ], AverageLatency(us), 524.631029515481
[READ], MinLatency(us), 177
[READ], MaxLatency(us), 253183
[READ], 95thPercentileLatency(us), 975
[READ], 99thPercentileLatency(us), 2083
[READ], Return=OK, 500517
[CLEANUP], Operations, 2
[CLEANUP], AverageLatency(us), 3088.0
[CLEANUP], MinLatency(us), 6
[CLEANUP], MaxLatency(us), 6171
[CLEANUP], 95thPercentileLatency(us), 6171
[CLEANUP], 99thPercentileLatency(us), 6171
[UPDATE], Operations, 499483
[UPDATE], AverageLatency(us), 6490.39991751471
[UPDATE], MinLatency(us), 2552
[UPDATE], MaxLatency(us), 1244159
[UPDATE], 95thPercentileLatency(us), 11063
[UPDATE], 99thPercentileLatency(us), 18575
[UPDATE], Return=OK, 499483
Cleanup test database
juju ssh mongodb/leader
charmed-mongodb.mongosh "<result of the first command here>"
mongodb [primary] admin> show databases;
admin 524.00 KiB
config 224.00 KiB
local 4.59 MiB
ycsb 2.40 MiB
use ycsb
Load testing with NoSQLBench tool
NoSQLBench provides different workloads and scenarios for testing MongoDB. Please refer the section in NoSQLBench documentation for more details.
Preparing NoSQLBech
Install dependencies
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install libfuse2* -y
Download the tool
mkdir -p ~/load-testing/
cd load-testing/
wget https://github.com/nosqlbench/nosqlbench/releases/download/5.17.9-release/nb5
chmod +x nb5
Run the test
Write data to database
./nb5 run driver=mongodb workload=mongodb-keyvalue2 tags=block:rampup cycles=50k --progress console:1s connection="$MONGODB_URI" database=perf-test
Run main activity
./nb5 run driver=mongodb workload=mongodb-keyvalue2 tags='block:main.*' cycles=25k cyclerate=2500 threads=25 --progress console:1s connection="$MONGODB_URI" database=perf-test
List of workloads and scenarios provided by NoSQLBench for MongoDB
To list scenarios with related workloads execute:
./nb5 --list-scenarios | grep mongodb