How do I add roles to a k8s operator?

I want to get the IP of the load balancer from the charm operator, and to do that I need a role that alows that controller that action.
I can see that a Role is being created to list, get and create pods.
There is a way to define more roles within the charm?
thanks in advance

In your YAML file, you can configure the service account created for the operator pod.


  automountServiceAccountToken: true
    - global: false
        - apiGroups: [""]
          resources: ["pods"]
          verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]

I suppose that the YAML you are talking about is the one that it is pass to the set_spec like in this example
I tried that without setting the version, and I get an error that says that serviceAccount should be a string and not a map. And setting it with version: 3 reports that the version is no compatible.
Iā€™m using juju 2.7, maybe that feature was introduced in juju 2.8?

Yes, you need to be running Juju 2.8 to use this feature.

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