Config Structs Are Awesome

Part of, an opinionated guide by William Reade

Multiple parameters are pretty nice at times, but the weight of evidence leans in favour of making most of your funcs accept either 0 args or 1. The sensible limit is probably, uh, 3 maybe? …but even then, it’s actually depressingly rare to nail a 3-param signature such that you never need to update it; and callables tend to accumulate parameters, anyway.

So, when you’re exporting any callable that you expect to churn a bit in its lifetime (i.e., pretty much always) just take the few extra seconds to represent the params as a type. There’s a howto wiki page somewhere.

If you defer it until the first instance of actual churn, that’s fine, it’s a judgment call; but if you find yourself rewriting an exported signature even once, just take the time to replace it with a struct. (And then future changes will be much easier.)

Also, take a couple of minutes to see if you’re rediscovering a
widely-used type; and make an effort to give it a name that’s a proper noun: FrobnosticateParams or -Args is generally a pretty terrible choice, it’s super-context-specific and betrays very little intent. For example:

type CreateMachineArgs struct {
    Cloud       string
    Placement   string
    Constraints constraints.Value

func CreateMachine(args CreateMachineArgs) (Machine, error)

…is, ehh, comprehensible enough, I suppose. But that’s an awful name! You can immediately make it a bit better by just calling the type what it really is:

type MachineSpec struct {
    Cloud       string
    Placement   string
    Constraints constraints.Value

func CreateMachine(spec MachineSpec) (Machine, error)

…and then, as a bonus, you get a type that doesn’t hurt your eyes when it ends up being a generally useful concept and passed around elsewhere.

I have found the following nouns generally better than either Args or Params, in various contexts:

  • Spec (implies creating distant resources, e.g. in the db, perhaps?)
  • Config (implies sufficient dependencies/info to perform a task?)
  • Context (implies you’re a callback?)
  • Request (implies, well, a direct request)
  • Selector (implies request for several things, possibly to set up a

…but please don’t treat this as a prescription: find the right names and use them. e.g. a LeaseClaim, or whatever; and often, indeed, just a string is quite good enough.

func (repo *Repo) Get(name string) (Value, bool)

…is just fine as it is, because it probably really won’t ever change significantly.

One caveat: do not casually modify types that are used as config structs, and pay particular heed to the names-are-for-clients advice above. You may well have several different types that vary in only one or two fields: that certainly shouldn’t result in consolidation to one type alone, but it may help you to discover a single type that is widely used on its own, and occasionally alongside one or two other parameters.

Resist the temptation to consolidate so far that a type’s validity depends upon its context.