Add public key from github

I think Juju should add a feature to import public keys from github something like Maas that does.

You haven’t sensed this missing feature?

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Maybe this?

$ juju help import-ssh-key 
Usage: juju import-ssh-key [options] <lp|gh>:<user identity> ...

Adds a public SSH key from a trusted identity source to a model.

Global Options:
--debug  (= false)
    equivalent to --show-log --logging-config=<root>=DEBUG
-h, --help  (= false)
    Show help on a command or other topic.
--logging-config (= "")
    specify log levels for modules
--quiet  (= false)
    show no informational output
--show-log  (= false)
    if set, write the log file to stderr
--verbose  (= false)
    show more verbose output

Command Options:
-B, --no-browser-login  (= false)
    Do not use web browser for authentication
-m, --model (= "")
    Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>

Juju can add SSH keys to its cache from reliable public sources (currently
Launchpad and GitHub), allowing those users SSH access to Juju machines.

The user identity supplied is the username on the respective service given by
'lp:' or 'gh:'.

If the user has multiple keys on the service, all the keys will be added.

Once the keys are imported, they can be viewed with the `juju ssh-keys`
command, where comments will indicate which ones were imported in
this way.

An alternative to this command is the more manual `juju add-ssh-key`.

Import all public keys associated with user account 'phamilton' on the
GitHub service:

    juju import-ssh-key gh:phamilton

Multiple identities may be specified in a space delimited list:

juju import-ssh-key gh:rheinlein lp:iasmiov gh:hharrison

See also: 
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oh thank you, I did not see that.

No worries, Juju has a lot of commands. Easy to miss one.

Would you please look at my other topic and let me know your idea.