Event 'start'

Event > List of events > Lifecycle events > start

Source: ops.StartEvent

This document describes the start event.

“Start” is the point where a Unit agent starts to join its relations and can respond to commands like juju run.


Emission sequence

The start event is triggered on each starting unit immediately after the first config-changed event. Callback methods bound to the event should be used to ensure that the charm’s software is in a running state. Note that the charm’s software should be configured to persist in a started state without further intervention from Juju or an administrator.

Also, on kubernetes charms, whenever a unit’s pod churns, start will be fired again on that unit.

Scenario Example Command Resulting Events
Create unit juju deploy foo
juju add-unit foo
install -> config-changed -> start
(k8s only) pod churn kubectl delete pod -n model-name app-name-0 stop -> upgrade-charm -> config-changed -> start
Cluster reboot microk8s stop; microk8s start start
Upgrade application juju stop -> upgrade-charm -> config-changed -> start

In kubernetes sidecar charms, Juju provides no ordering guarantees regarding start and *-pebble-ready.

Observing this event in Ops

In ops, you can observe this event like you would any other:

# in MyCharm.__init__
self.framework.observe(self.on.start, self._on_start)

The start event object does not expose any specific attributes.

Might be worthwhile to specifically mention:

  • if we do or do not see start after upgrade, kubectl delete pod, scale-application.
  • yes/no emission order guarantees with pebble-ready
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@sed-i could you clarify the first point? What do you mean?

RE the second point, AFAIK there’s no order guarantee. will add a note on that.

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I meant that we may want to explicitly mention that start is always emitted as part of:

  1. upgrade (will see as many start events emitted as there are units).
  2. manual pod churn with kubectl delete
  3. scale-application, i.e. that “start”, like all events, is per unit, not per app.
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Also should probably mention that start doesn’t say anything about the workload being ready.

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Could the “Emission sequence” section be updated to mention that if a workload container is restarted without the charm container being restarted on k8s charms you will get a pebble-ready event but nothing else?