Common Charm Operations

Common Charm Operations

Charm Store <-> Charmhub equivalence

Operation Charm store Charmhub
Register a charm name (implicit on charm push) charmcraft register [--bundle]
Update charm permissions/ACLs charm grant Not available
Make the charm appear in search results Ask in the forum
Build a charm locally charm build charmcraft pack
Verify a charm locally charm proof charmcraft analyze
Log in as a publisher to charmstore / charmhub charm login charmcraft login
Verify your publisher information charm whoami charmcraft whoami
View list of charm names you own or are a collaborator to charm list charmcraft names
View information on a charm you own charm show cs:<name> charmcraft status <name>
Upload a charm charm push charmcraft upload
Release a charm to a channel charm release charmcraft release (or charmcraft upload --release)
Close a channel No equivalent, maybe charm revoke charmcraft close
Upload a resource No equivalent, upload resources when releasing or pushing charmcraft upload-resource
Attach a resource to a release charm release --resource charmcraft release --resource
Release a charm with a resource charm release --resource charmcraft release --resource

does this mean an analog for charm grant is forthcoming? What’s the best way to transfer charm ownership at this point?

Charmhub uses the same sharing/collaboration model as the Snap Store. You can add other developers as collaborators to your charm so they get push/release/manage permissions. You can also transfer ownership from one developer to another if you want the primary owner to change.

Both operations can be achieved for now by posting your request here. Nice APIs to self-service these operations via a web or CLI tool will be coming at some point.

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Any alternative for listing charms under specific groups/users.

I use, charm list -u [USER/GROUP] to list the charms for specific users or groups.