Model config: `container-inherit-properties`

Configuration > List of model configuration keys > container-inherit-properties

This document describes the container-inherit-properties model configuration key.

Key Type Default Valid values Purpose
container-inherit-properties string “” List of properties to be copied from the host machine to new containers created in this model (comma-separated).

The container-inherit-properties key allows for a limited set of parameters enabled on a Juju machine to be inherited by any hosted containers (KVM guests or LXD containers). The machine and container must be running the same series.

This key is only supported by the MAAS provider.

The parameters are:

  • apt-primary
  • apt-security
  • apt-sources
  • ca-certs

For MAAS v.2.5 or greater the parameters are:

  • apt-sources
  • ca-certs

For example:

juju model-config container-inherit-properties="ca-certs, apt-sources"