Charmed PostgreSQL How-to - Deploy on Google GCE

How to deploy on GCE

Google Compute Engine is a popular subsidiary of Google that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms on a metered pay-as-you-go basis. Access the GCloud web console at


Install GCloud and Juju tooling

Install Juju via snap:

sudo snap install juju
sudo snap install google-cloud-cli --classic

Check the official the Google Cloud (GCloud) CLI documentation about other installation options.

To check they are all correctly installed, you can run the commands demonstrated below with sample outputs:

~$ juju version

~$ gcloud --version
Google Cloud SDK 474.0.0


Login to GCloud:

gcloud auth login

Create an service IAM account for Juju to operate GCE:

> gcloud iam service-accounts create juju-gce-account --display-name="Juju GCE service account"
Created service account [juju-gce-account].

> gcloud iam service-accounts list
DISPLAY NAME                   EMAIL                                                               DISABLED
Juju GCE service account      False

> gcloud iam service-accounts keys create sa-private-key.json
created key [aaaaaaa....aaaaaaa] of type [json] as [sa-private-key.json] for []

> gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding canonical-data-123456 --role=roles/compute.admin \

Bootstrap Juju controller on GCE

Note: move newly exported GCloud jsonfile into SNAP accessible folder due to the known Juju issue.

sudo mv sa-private-key.json /var/snap/juju/common/sa-private-key.json
sudo chmod a+r /var/snap/juju/common/sa-private-key.json

Add GCE credentials to Juju:

> juju add-credential google
Enter credential name: juju-gce-account

Auth Types

Select auth type [jsonfile]: jsonfile

Enter path to the .json file containing a service account key for your project
Path: /var/snap/juju/common/sa-private-key.json

Credential "juju-gce-account" added locally for cloud "google".

Bootstrap Juju controller (check all supported configuration options):

juju bootstrap google gce
Output example
> juju bootstrap google gce
Creating Juju controller "gce" on google/us-east1
Looking for packaged Juju agent version 3.5.4 for amd64
Located Juju agent version 3.5.4-ubuntu-amd64 at
Launching controller instance(s) on google/us-east1...
 - juju-33f662-0 (arch=amd64 mem=3.6G cores=4)
Installing Juju agent on bootstrap instance
Waiting for address
Attempting to connect to
Attempting to connect to
Connected to
Running machine configuration script...
Bootstrap agent now started
Contacting Juju controller at to verify accessibility...

Bootstrap complete, controller "gce" is now available
Controller machines are in the "controller" model

Now you can run
	juju add-model <model-name>
to create a new model to deploy workloads.

You can check the GCE instance availability (ensure the right GCloud project chosen!):

Create a new Juju model:

juju add-model welcome

(Optional) Increase the debug level if you are troubleshooting charms:

juju model-config logging-config='<root>=INFO;unit=DEBUG'

Deploy charms

The following command deploys PostgreSQL and Data-Integrator (the charm to request a test DB):

juju deploy postgresql
juju deploy data-integrator --config database-name=test123
juju relate postgresql data-integrator

Check the status:

> juju status --relations
Model    Controller  Cloud/Region     Version  SLA          Timestamp
welcome  gce         google/us-east1  3.5.4    unsupported  23:24:05+02:00

App              Version  Status  Scale  Charm            Channel        Rev  Exposed  Message
data-integrator           active      1  data-integrator  latest/stable   41  no       
postgresql       14.12    active      1  postgresql       14/stable      468  no       

Unit                Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
data-integrator/0*  active    idle   1             
postgresql/0*       active    idle   0    5432/tcp  Primary

Machine  State    Address        Inst id        Base          AZ          Message
0        started   juju-e2b96f-0  ubuntu@22.04  us-east1-b  RUNNING
1        started  juju-e2b96f-1  ubuntu@22.04  us-east1-d  RUNNING

Integration provider                   Requirer                               Interface              Type     Message
data-integrator:data-integrator-peers  data-integrator:data-integrator-peers  data-integrator-peers  peer     
postgresql:database                    data-integrator:postgresql             postgresql_client      regular  
postgresql:database-peers              postgresql:database-peers              postgresql_peers       peer     
postgresql:restart                     postgresql:restart                     rolling_op             peer     
postgresql:upgrade                     postgresql:upgrade                     upgrade                peer  

Once deployed, request the credentials for your newly bootstrapped PostgreSQL database.

For Juju 2.9 use:

juju run-action --wait data-integrator/leader get-credentials

and for newer Juju 3+ use:

juju run data-integrator/leader get-credentials

The output example:

  data: '{"database": "test123", "external-node-connectivity": "true", "requested-secrets":
    "[\"username\", \"password\", \"tls\", \"tls-ca\", \"uris\"]"}'
  database: test123
  password: SkQ7KpYsyC6PmVVK
  uris: postgresql://relation-4:SkQ7KpYsyC6PmVVK@
  username: relation-4
  version: "14.12"

At this point, you can access your DB inside GCloud using the internal IP address. All further Juju applications will use the database through the internal network:

> psql postgresql://relation-4:SkQ7KpYsyC6PmVVK@
psql (14.12 (Ubuntu 14.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.1))
Type "help" for help.


From here you can use/scale/backup/restore/refresh your newly deployed Charmed PostgreSQL.

Expose database (optional)

If necessary to access DB from outside of GCloud (warning: opening ports to public is risky) open the GCloud firewall using the simple juju expose functionality:

juju expose postgresql

Once exposed, you can connect your database using the same credentials as above (Important: this time use the GCE Public IP assigned to the PostgreSQL instance):

> juju status postgresql
Unit           Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
postgresql/0*  active    idle   0    5432/tcp  Primary

> psql postgresql://relation-4:SkQ7KpYsyC6PmVVK@
psql (15.6 (Ubuntu 15.6-0ubuntu0.23.10.1), server 14.12 (Ubuntu 14.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.1))
Type "help" for help.


To close the public access run:

juju unexpose postgresql

Clean up

Always clean GCE resources that are no longer necessary - they could be costly!

To destroy the Juju controller and remove GCE instance (warning: all your data will be permanently removed):

> juju controllers
Controller  Model    User   Access     Cloud/Region     Models  Nodes    HA  Version
gce*        welcome  admin  superuser  google/us-east1       2      1  none  3.5.4  

> juju destroy-controller gce --destroy-all-models --destroy-storage --force

Next, check and manually delete all unnecessary GCloud resources, to show the list of all your GCE instances run the following command (make sure the correct region used!):

gcloud compute instances list
Output example
juju-33f662-0  us-east1-b  n1-highcpu-4        RUNNING
juju-e2b96f-0  us-east1-b  n2d-highcpu-2         STOPPING
juju-e2b96f-1  us-east1-d  n2d-highcpu-2        STOPPING

List your Juju credentials:

> juju credentials
Client Credentials:
Cloud        Credentials
google       juju-gce-account

Remove GCloud credentials from Juju:

> juju remove-credential google juju-gce-account

Finally, remove GCloud jsonfile user credentials (to avoid forgetting and leaking):

rm -f /var/snap/juju/common/sa-private-key.json

If you expect having several concurrent connections frequently, it is highly recommended to deploy PgBouncer alongside PostgreSQL. For more information, read our explanation about Connection pooling.