Charmed PgBouncer K8s Reference | Revision 228/229

Reference > Release Notes > All revisions > Revisions 228/229

Revision 228/229

Aug 13, 2024

Dear community,

Canonical’s newest Charmed PgBouncer K8s operator has been published in the 1/stable channel :tada:

Due to its mult-architecture support, PgBouncer charm releases two revisions simultaneously:

  • Revision 229 is built for amd64
  • Revision 228 is built for for arm64

To make sure you deploy for the right architecture, we recommend setting an architecture constraint for your entire juju model.

Otherwise, it can be done at deploy time with the --constraints flag:

juju deploy pgbouncer-k8s --trust --constraints arch=<arch> 

where <arch> can be amd64 or arm64.

If you are jumping over several stable revisions, make sure to check previous release notes before upgrading to this revision.


Below are the major highlights of this release. To see all changes since the previous stable release, check the release notes on GitHub



  • Updated old information on CONTRIBUTING (PR #290) (DPE-3991)
  • Increased PostgreSQL deploy timeouts (PR #340)
  • Stabilized tests and CI

Canonical Data issues are now public on both Jira and GitHub. To see all commits since the previous stable release, check the release notes on GitHub.

Technical details

This section contains some technical details about the charm’s contents and dependencies. Make sure to also check the system requirements.


This charm is based on the ROCK OCI for Ubuntu LTS 22.04.4 . It packages:

Libraries and interfaces

These are some of the libraries supported by the charm:

  • grafana_k8s v0 for integration with Grafana
    • Implements grafana_dashboard interface
  • tempo_k8s v1, v2 for integration with Tempo charm
    • Implements tracing interface
  • loki_k8s v0 for integration with Loki
    • Implements the loki_push_api interface
  • tls_certificates_interface v2 for integration with TLS charms
    • Implements tls-certificates interface

See the /lib/charms directory on GitHub for more details about all supported libraries.

See the metadata.yaml file on GitHub for a full list of supported interfaces.

Contact us

Charmed PgBouncer K8s is an open source project that warmly welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes, and constructive feedback.

  • Raise software issues or feature requests on GitHub
  • Report security issues through Launchpad
  • Contact the Canonical Data Platform team through our Matrix channel.