Integrate with COS
This how-to guide can be followed to integrate Manual TLS Certificates with Canonical Observability Stack (COS). Currently this integration only support Charm code traces.
Deploy COS lite with Tempo
Create a model for COS
juju add-model cos
Deploy cos-lite
juju deploy cos-lite --trust
Deploy tempo and integrate it with grafana
juju deploy tempo-k8s tempo
juju integrate grafana:grafana-source tempo:grafana-source
Deploy Manual TLS Certificates
Create a new model:
juju add-model demo
Deploy Manual TLS Certificates
juju deploy manual-tls-certificates
Integrate Manual TLS Certificates with Tempo
From the COS model, create an offer:
juju offer cos.tempo:tracing
From the dev model, consume the offer:
juju consume obs.tempo
Integrate Manual TLS Certificates with Tempo
juju integrate manual-tls-certificates tempo
Access charm traces
In Grafana, you can now explore charm traces for Manual TLS Certificates using the Tempo data source.