MySQL Router K8s Reference - Revision 82

MySQL Router K8s revision 82

January 3, 2024

Dear community, this is to inform you that new MySQL Router K8s is published in 8.0/stable charmhub channel for Kubernetes.

The features you can start using today:

Bugfixes included:

Canonical Data issues are now public on both Jira and GitHub platforms.
GitHub Releases provide a detailed list of bugfixes/PRs/Git commits for each revision.

  • Updated logrotate dateformat to tolerate more than 24hrs of uptime in [PR#169][DPE-3063]
  • Fixed recovering from hook errors when creating/deleting MySQL users in [PR#165]
  • Fixed upgrade compatibility check in [PR#164]
  • Improved upgrade stability in [PR#153]
  • Decreased verbosity for httpx and httpcore logger level to WARNING in [PR#176]
  • Switch to maintenance Juju status (instead of waiting) while router is starting in [PR#147]

What is inside the charms:

  • Charmed MySQL Router K8s ships MySQL Router “8.0.34-0ubuntu0.22.04.1”
  • CLI mysql-shell version is “8.0.34-0ubuntu0.22.04.1~ppa1”
  • The Prometheus mysql-router-exporter is “4.0.5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1~ppa1”
  • K8s charms based on our ROCK OCI (Ubuntu LTS “22.04” - ubuntu:22.04-based) based on SNAP revision 69
  • Principal charms supports the latest LTS series “22.04” only
  • Subordinate charms support LTS “22.04” and “20.04” only

Technical notes:

  • Upgrade (juju refresh) is possible from this revision 69+
  • WARNING: Downgrade from revision 82 to revision 69 is not possible due to [PR#158]
  • Use this operator together with a modern operator “Charmed MySQL K8s

How to reach us:

If you would like to chat with us about your use-cases or ideas, you can reach us at Canonical Mattermost public channel or Discourse. Check all other contact details here.

Consider opening a GitHub issue if you want to open a bug report.
Contribute to the project!