Supported database configurations/parameters
Charm revision 338+:
- autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor
- autovacuum_analyze_threshold
- autovacuum_freeze_max_age
- autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay
- autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor
- bytea_output
- constraint_exclusion
- date_style (mapped to DateStyle in the database)
- default_statistics_target
- default_text_search_config
- from_collapse_limit
- join_collapse_limit
- lc_monetary
- lc_numeric
- lc_time
- log_connections
- log_disconnections
- log_lock_waits
- log_min_duration_statement
- maintenance_work_mem
- max_prepared_transactions
- password_encryption
- shared_buffers
- standard_conforming_strings
- synchronous_commit
- temp_buffers
- time_zone (mapped to TimeZone in the database)
- vacuum_freeze_table_age
- work_mem
You’ll notice that the name of the available config options in the charm follows a pattern composed by a group name and the parameter name (<group_in_lowercase>_<postgresql_parameter_in_lowercase>
). Following, there are the groups and their respective parameters:
- durability: synchronous_commit
- instance: default_text_search_config, password_encryption
- logging:: log_connections, log_disconnections, log_lock_waits, log_min_duration_statement
- memory:: maintenance_work_mem, max_prepared_transactions, shared_buffers, temp_buffers, work_mem
- optimizer: constraint_exclusion, default_statistics_target, from_collapse_limit, join_collapse_limit
- request: date_style, standard_conforming_strings, time_zone
- response: bytea_output, lc_monetary, lc_numeric, lc_time
- vacuum: autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor, autovacuum_analyze_threshold, autovacuum_freeze_max_age, autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay, autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor, vacuum_freeze_table_age
If you need other PostgreSQL parameters to be supported, please reach us on the Data Platform channel on Mattermost. We are looking forward to discuss your use case.