MySQL Router K8s Reference - Testing

Charm Testing reference

There are a lot of test types available and most of them are well applicable for MySQL Router K8s. Here is a list prepared by Canonical:

  • Smoke test
  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests
  • System test
  • Performance test

:information_source: Note: below examples are written for Juju 3.x, but Juju 2.9 is supported as well.
Please adopt the juju run ... commands as juju run-action ... --wait for Juju 2.9.

Smoke test

Complexity: trivial
Speed: fast
Goal: ensure basic functionality works over short amount of time.

Setup an Juju 3.x environment, deploy DB with test application and start “continuous write” test:

juju add-model smoke-test

juju deploy mysql-k8s --trust --channel 8.0/edge --config profile=testing
juju deploy mysql-router-k8s --trust --channel 8.0/edge
juju relate mysql-k8s mysql-router-k8s

juju scale-application mysql-k8s 3 # (optional)
juju scale-application mysql-router-k8s 3 # (optional)

juju deploy mysql-test-app --channel latest/edge
juju relate mysql-test-app mysql-router-k8s:database

# Make sure random data inserted into DB by test application:
juju run mysql-test-app/leader get-inserted-data

# Start "continuous write" test:
juju run mysql-test-app/leader start-continuous-writes
export password=$(juju run mysql-k8s/leader get-password username=root | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
watch -n1 -x juju ssh --container mysql mysql-k8s/leader "mysql -h -uroot -p${password} -e \"select count(*) from\""

# Watch the counter is growing!

Expected results:

  • mysql-test-app continuously inserts records in database continuous_writes_database table data.
  • the counters (amount of records in table) are growing on all cluster members


# Stop "continuous write" test
juju run mysql-test-app/leader stop-continuous-writes

# Truncate "continuous write" table (delete all records from DB)
juju run mysql-test-app/leader clear-continuous-writes

Unit tests

Please check the “Contributing” guide and follow tox run -e unit examples there.

Integration tests

Please check the “Contributing” guide and follow tox run -e integration examples there.

System test

Please check/deploy the charm mysql-k8s-bundle (Git). It deploy and test all the necessary parts at once.

Performance test

Please use the separate Charmed MySQL K8s performance testing document but deploy Charmed MySQL K8s behind MySQL Router K8s.