Command 'juju bootstrap'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: add-credential, autoload-credentials, add-model, controller-config, model-config, set-constraints, show-cloud


Initializes a cloud environment.


juju bootstrap [options] [<cloud name>[/region] [<controller name>]]


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
--add-model Name of an initial model to create on the new controller
--agent-version Version of agent binaries to use for Juju agents
--auto-upgrade false After bootstrap, upgrade to the latest patch release
--bootstrap-base Specify the base of the bootstrap machine
--bootstrap-constraints Specify bootstrap machine constraints
--bootstrap-image Specify the image of the bootstrap machine (requires --bootstrap-constraints specifying architecture)
--bootstrap-series Specify the series of the bootstrap machine (deprecated use bootstrap-base)
--build-agent false Build local version of agent binary before bootstrapping
--clouds false Print the available clouds which can be used to bootstrap a Juju environment
--config Specify a controller configuration file, or one or more configuration options. Model config keys only affect the controller model. (–config config.yaml [–config key=value …])
--constraints Set model constraints
--controller-charm-channel 3.5/stable The Charmhub channel to download the controller charm from (if not using a local charm)
--controller-charm-path Path to a locally built controller charm
--credential Credentials to use when bootstrapping
--db-snap Path to a locally built .snap to use as the internal juju-db service.
--db-snap-asserts Path to a local .assert file. Requires --db-snap
--force false Allow the bypassing of checks such as supported series
--keep-broken false Do not destroy the provisioned controller instance if bootstrap fails
--metadata-source Local path to use as agent and/or image metadata source
--model-default Specify a configuration file, or one or more configuration options to be set for all models, unless otherwise specified (–model-default config.yaml [–model-default key=value …])
--no-switch false Do not switch to the newly created controller
--regions Print the available regions for the specified cloud
--storage-pool Specify options for an initial storage pool ‘name’ and ‘type’ are required, plus any additional attributes (–storage-pool pool-config.yaml [–storage-pool key=value …])
--to Placement directive indicating an instance to bootstrap


juju bootstrap
juju bootstrap --clouds
juju bootstrap --regions aws
juju bootstrap aws
juju bootstrap aws/us-east-1
juju bootstrap google joe-us-east1
juju bootstrap --config=~/config-rs.yaml google joe-syd
juju bootstrap --agent-version=2.2.4 aws joe-us-east-1
juju bootstrap --config bootstrap-timeout=1200 azure joe-eastus
juju bootstrap aws --storage-pool name=secret --storage-pool type=ebs --storage-pool encrypted=true
juju bootstrap lxd --bootstrap-base=ubuntu@22.04

# For a bootstrap on k8s, setting the service type of the Juju controller service to LoadBalancer
juju bootstrap --config controller-service-type=loadbalancer

# For a bootstrap on k8s, setting the service type of the Juju controller service to External
juju bootstrap --config controller-service-type=external --config


Used without arguments, bootstrap will step you through the process of initializing a Juju cloud environment. Initialization consists of creating a ‘controller’ model and provisioning a machine to act as controller.

Controller names may only contain lowercase letters, digits and hyphens, and may not start with a hyphen. We recommend you call your controller ‘username-region’ e.g. ‘fred-us-east-1’. See --clouds for a list of clouds and credentials. See --regions <cloud> for a list of available regions for a given cloud.

Credentials are set beforehand and are distinct from any other configuration (see juju add-credential). The ‘controller’ model typically does not run workloads. It should remain pristine to run and manage Juju’s own infrastructure for the corresponding cloud. Additional models should be created with juju add-model for workload purposes. Note that a ‘default’ model is also created and becomes the current model of the environment once the command completes. It can be discarded if other models are created.

If ‘–bootstrap-constraints’ is used, its values will also apply to any future controllers provisioned for high availability (HA).

If ‘–constraints’ is used, its values will be set as the default constraints for all future workload machines in the model, exactly as if the constraints were set with juju set-model-constraints.

It is possible to override constraints and the automatic machine selection algorithm by assigning a “placement directive” via the ‘–to’ option. This dictates what machine to use for the controller. This would typically be used with the MAAS provider (‘–to <host>.maas’).

You can change the default timeout and retry delays used during the bootstrap by changing the following settings in your configuration (all values represent number of seconds):

# How long to wait for a connection to the controller
bootstrap-timeout: 1200  # default: 20 minutes
# How long to wait between connection attempts to a controller address.
bootstrap-retry-delay: 5  # default: 5 seconds
# How often to refresh controller addresses from the API server.
bootstrap-addresses-delay: 10  # default: 10 seconds

It is possible to override the base e.g. ubuntu@22.04, Juju attempts to bootstrap on to, by supplying a base argument to ‘–bootstrap-base’.

An error is emitted if the determined base is not supported. Using the ‘–force’ option to override this check:

juju bootstrap --bootstrap-base=ubuntu@22.04 --force

The ‘–bootstrap-series’ flag can be still used, but is deprecated in favour of ‘–bootstrap-base’.

Private clouds may need to specify their own custom image metadata and tools/agent. Use ‘–metadata-source’ whose value is a local directory.

By default, the Juju version of the agent binary that is downloaded and installed on all models for the new controller will be the same as that of the Juju client used to perform the bootstrap. However, a user can specify a different agent version via ‘–agent-version’ option to bootstrap command. Juju will use this version for models’ agents as long as the client’s version is from the same Juju release base. In other words, a 2.2.1 client can bootstrap any 2.2.x agents but cannot bootstrap any 2.0.x or 2.1.x agents. The agent version can be specified a simple numeric version, e.g. 2.2.4.

For example, at the time when 2.3.0, 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 are released and your agent stream is ‘released’ (default), then a 2.3.1 client can bootstrap:

  • 2.3.0 controller by running ‘… bootstrap --agent-version=2.3.0 …’;
  • 2.3.1 controller by running ‘… bootstrap …’;
  • 2.3.2 controller by running ‘bootstrap --auto-upgrade’. However, if this client has a copy of codebase, then a local copy of Juju will be built and bootstrapped -

Bootstrapping to a k8s cluster requires that the service set up to handle requests to the controller be accessible outside the cluster. Typically this means a service type of LoadBalancer is needed, and Juju does create such a service if it knows it is supported by the cluster. This is performed by interrogating the cluster for a well known managed deployment such as microk8s, GKE or EKS.

When bootstrapping to a k8s cluster Juju does not recognise, there’s no guarantee a load balancer is available, so Juju defaults to a controller service type of ClusterIP. This may not be suitable, so there are three bootstrap options available to tell Juju how to set up the controller service. Part of the solution may require a load balancer for the cluster to be set up manually first, or perhaps an external k8s service via a FQDN will be used (this is a cluster specific implementation decision which Juju needs to be informed about so it can set things up correctly). The three relevant bootstrap options are (see list of bootstrap config items below for a full explanation):

  • controller-service-type
  • controller-external-name
  • controller-external-ips

Juju advertises those addresses to other controllers, so they must be resolveable from other controllers for cross-model (cross-controller, actually) relations to work.

If a storage pool is specified using --storage-pool, this will be created in the controller model.

Available keys for use with --config are:

Bootstrap configuration keys:

  type: string
  description: Sets the Juju administrator password
  type: int
  description: Controls the amount of time in seconds in between refreshing the bootstrap
    machine addresses
  type: int
  description: Controls the amount of time in seconds between attempts to connect
    to a bootstrap machine address
  type: int
  description: Controls how long Juju will wait for a bootstrap to complete before
    considering it failed in seconds
  type: string
  description: Sets the bootstrapped controllers CA cert to use and issue certificates
    from, used in conjunction with ca-private-key
  type: string
  description: Sets the bootstrapped controllers CA cert private key to sign certificates
    with, used in conjunction with ca-cert
  type: list
  description: Specifies a comma separated list of external IPs for a k8s controller
    of type external
  type: string
  description: Sets the external name for a k8s controller of type external
  type: string
  description: |-
    Controls the kubernetes service type for Juju controllers, see
    valid values are one of cluster, loadbalancer, external

Controller configuration keys:

  type: int
  description: The number of old agent log files to keep (compressed)
  type: string
  description: The maximum size of the agent log file
  type: int
  description: The maximum size of the token bucket used to ratelimit agent connections
  type: string
  description: The time taken to add a new token to the ratelimit bucket
  type: bool
  description: "Determines if the controller allows users to \nconnect to models they
    have been authorized for even when \nthey don't have any access rights to the
    controller itself"
  type: int
  description: The port used for api connections
  type: string
  description: "The duration that the controller will wait \nbetween when the controller
    has been deemed to be ready to open \nthe api-port and when the api-port is actually
    opened \n(only used when a controller-api-port value is set)."
  type: int
  description: The maximum number of concurrent resources downloads per application
  type: bool
  description: Determines if the audit log contains the arguments passed to API methods
  type: list
  description: The list of Facade.Method names that aren't interesting for audit logging
  type: int
  description: The number of old audit log files to keep (compressed)
  type: string
  description: The maximum size for the current controller audit log file
  type: bool
  description: Determines if the controller records auditing information
  type: string
  description: The DNS name of the controller
  type: string
  description: The URL used to obtain official TLS certificates when a client connects
    to the API
  type: string
  description: The docker repo to use for the jujud operator and mongo images
  type: string
  description: |-
    (deprecated) The url of the docker image used for the application operator.
    Use "caas-image-repo" instead.
  type: int
  description: |-
    An optional port that may be set for controllers
    that have a very heavy load. If this port is set, this port is used by
    the controllers to talk to each other - used for the local API connection
    as well as the pubsub forwarders, and the raft workers. If this value is
    set, the api-port isn't opened until the controllers have started properly.
  type: string
  description: The canonical name of the controller
  type: int
  description: The maximum number of concurrent resources downloads across all the
    applications on the controller
  type: list
  description: A list of runtime changeable features to be updated
  type: string
  description: The public key of the identity manager
  type: string
  description: The url of the identity manager
  type: string
  description: Sets channel for installing mongo snaps when bootstrapping on focal
    or later
  type: string
  description: The network space within which the MongoDB replica-set should communicate
  type: string
  description: The network space that agents should use to communicate with controllers
  type: string
  description: The source for the jujud-controller snap.
  type: string
  description: The url of the jwt well known endpoint
  type: int
  description: The maximum size (in bytes) of internal state data that agents can
    store to the controller
  type: int
  description: The maximum size (in bytes) of charm-specific state that units can
    store to the controller
  type: string
  description: The maximum duration that a debug-log session is allowed to run
  type: int
  description: (deprecated) The maximum number of transactions evaluated in one go
    when pruning
  type: int
  description: (deprecated) The maximum number of batches processed when pruning
  type: string
  description: The maximum size the of capped txn log collection
  type: string
  description: The url for metrics
  type: string
  description: The maximum during model migrations that the migration worker will
    wait for agents to report on phases of the migration
  type: int
  description: The number of old model log files to keep (compressed)
  type: string
  description: The maximum size of the log file written out by the controller on behalf
    of workers running for a model
  type: string
  description: The size of the capped collections used to hold the logs for the models
  type: string
  description: Sets mongo memory profile
  type: int
  description: The number of transactions to read in a single query
  type: string
  description: The amount of time to sleep between processing each batch query
  type: string
  description: Public DNS address (with port) of the controller.
  type: bool
  description: Enable query tracing for the dqlite driver
  type: string
  description: "The minimum duration of a query for it to be traced. The lower the
    \nthreshold, the more queries will be output. A value of 0 means all queries \nwill
    be output if tracing is enabled."
  type: bool
  description: Determines if the NUMA control policy is set
  type: int
  description: The port used for mongo connections

Model configuration keys (affecting the controller model):

  type: string
  description: URL of private stream
  type: string
  description: Version of Juju to use for deploy/upgrades.
  type: string
  description: The APT FTP proxy for the model
  type: string
  description: The APT HTTP proxy for the model
  type: string
  description: The APT HTTPS proxy for the model
  type: string
  description: The APT mirror for the model
  type: string
  description: List of domain addresses not to be proxied for APT (comma-separated)
  type: string
  description: Any authorized SSH public keys for the model, as found in a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  type: bool
  description: Determines whether the uniter should automatically retry failed hooks
  type: string
  description: Directory used to store the backup working directory
  type: string
  description: The url for CharmHub API calls
  type: string
  description: Cloud-init user-data (in yaml format) to be added to userdata for new
    machines created in this model
  type: bool
  description: Whether default simplestreams sources are used for image metadata with
  type: string
  description: The URL at which the metadata used to locate container OS image ids
    is located
  type: string
  description: The simplestreams stream used to identify which image ids to search
    when starting a container.
  type: string
  description: List of properties to be copied from the host machine to new containers
    created in this model (comma-separated)
  type: string
  description: Method of container networking setup - one of fan, provider, local
  type: string
  description: The default base image to use for deploying charms, will act like --base
    when deploying charms
  type: string
  description: The default network space used for application endpoints in this model
  type: bool
  description: Whether the model is in development mode
  type: bool
  description: Whether the provider should control networks (on MAAS models, set to
    true for MAAS to control networks
  type: bool
  description: Disable telemetry reporting of model information
  type: string
  description: Source address(es) for traffic originating from this model
  type: bool
  description: Whether newly provisioned instances should run their respective OS's
    update capability.
  type: bool
  description: Whether newly provisioned instances should run their respective OS's
    upgrade capability.
  type: string
  description: Arbitrary user specified string data that is stored against the model.
  type: string
  description: Configuration for fan networking for this model
  type: string
  description: |-
    The mode to use for network firewalling.

    'instance' requests the use of an individual firewall per instance.

    'global' uses a single firewall for all instances (access
    for a network port is enabled to one instance if any instance requires
    that port).

    'none' requests that no firewalling should be performed
    inside the model. It's useful for clouds without support for either
    global or per instance security groups.
  type: string
  description: The FTP proxy value to configure on instances, in the FTP_PROXY environment
  type: string
  description: The HTTP proxy value to configure on instances, in the HTTP_PROXY environment
  type: string
  description: The HTTPS proxy value to configure on instances, in the HTTPS_PROXY
    environment variable
  type: bool
  description: Whether the machine worker should discover machine addresses on startup
  type: bool
  description: Whether default simplestreams sources are used for image metadata.
  type: string
  description: The URL at which the metadata used to locate OS image ids is located
  type: string
  description: The simplestreams stream used to identify which image ids to search
    when starting an instance.
  type: string
  description: The FTP proxy value to pass to charms in the JUJU_CHARM_FTP_PROXY environment
  type: string
  description: The HTTP proxy value to pass to charms in the JUJU_CHARM_HTTP_PROXY
    environment variable
  type: string
  description: The HTTPS proxy value to pass to charms in the JUJU_CHARM_HTTPS_PROXY
    environment variable
  type: string
  description: List of domain addresses not to be proxied (comma-separated), may contain
    CIDRs. Passed to charms in the JUJU_CHARM_NO_PROXY environment variable
  type: bool
  description: Whether syslog forwarding is enabled.
  type: string
  description: The configuration string to use when configuring Juju agent logging
    (see for details)
  type: string
  description: 'The logging output destination: database and/or syslog. (default "")'
  type: string
  description: The channel to use when installing LXD from a snap (cosmic and later)
  type: string
  description: The maximum age for action entries before they are pruned, in human-readable
    time format
  type: string
  description: The maximum size for the action collection, in human-readable memory
  type: string
  description: The maximum age for status history entries before they are pruned,
    in human-readable time format
  type: string
  description: The maximum size for the status history collection, in human-readable
    memory format
  type: string
  description: |-
    Mode is a comma-separated list which sets the
    mode the model should run in. So far only one is implemented
    - If 'requires-prompts' is present, clients will ask for confirmation before removing
    potentially valuable resources.
    (default "")
  type: int
  description: The amount of time in seconds to sleep between ifdown and ifup when
  type: string
  description: List of domain addresses not to be proxied (comma-separated)
  type: int
  description: The number of container provisioning workers to use per machine
  type: int
  description: The number of provisioning workers to use per model
  type: string
  description: What to do with unknown machines (default destroyed)
  type: bool
  description: Whether SSH commands should be proxied through the API server
  type: attrs
  description: resource tags
  type: string
  description: |-
    Application-offer ingress allowlist is a comma-separated list of
    CIDRs specifying what ingress can be applied to offers in this model.
  type: string
  description: The name of the secret store backend. (default "auto")
  type: string
  description: The HTTP proxy value for installing snaps
  type: string
  description: The HTTPS proxy value for installing snaps
  type: string
  description: The assertions for the defined snap store proxy
  type: string
  description: The snap store proxy for installing snaps
  type: string
  description: The URL for the defined snap store proxy
  type: string
  description: |-
    SSH allowlist is a comma-separated list of CIDRs from
    which machines in this model will accept connections to the SSH service.
    Currently only the aws & openstack providers support ssh-allow
  type: bool
  description: Whether SSL hostname verification is enabled (default true)
  type: string
  description: The default block storage source for the model
  type: string
  description: The default filesystem storage source for the model
  type: string
  description: The certificate of the CA that signed the syslog server certificate,
    in PEM format.
  type: string
  description: The syslog client certificate in PEM format.
  type: string
  description: The syslog client key in PEM format.
  type: string
  description: The hostname:port of the syslog server.
  type: bool
  description: |-
    Whether the model is intended for testing.
    If true, accessing the charm store does not affect statistical
    data of the store. (default false)
  type: bool
  description: Determines whether metrics declared by charms deployed into this model
    are sent for anonymized aggregate analytics
  type: string
  description: How often to run the charm update-status hook, in human-readable time
    format (default 5m, range 1-60m)

@tmihoc, I propose a modification to:

to read as follows: