Command 'juju payloads'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.


Display status information about known payloads.


juju payloads [options] [pattern ...]


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
--format tabular Specify output format (json|tabular|yaml)
-m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>
-o, --output Specify an output file


This command will report on the runtime state of defined payloads.

When one or more pattern is given, Juju will limit the results to only those payloads which match any of the provided patterns. Each pattern will be checked against the following info in Juju:

  • unit name
  • machine id
  • payload type
  • payload class
  • payload id
  • payload tag
  • payload status