Local MAAS Development Setup


Access to enough substrate variety can be a challenge when developing and testing Juju. Canonical employees have access to a few flavours of MAAS and with some help from IS, their own bastion for Openstack; but for most people the go-to option is the local LXD provider.

This post demonstrates how to set up a simple-as-possible MAAS deployment using KVM Pods, all resident on a single host.

There are some examples around of how to do this, but none of them were complete enough for me to follow by rote and get completely set up, so I thought I would document my experience here.

It may be necessary to reboot in-between some of the steps below, but I fudged about and cannot now remember precicely what worked.


Our MAAS nodes will be KVMs, so we need to install prerequisites for that.

$ sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin

If running ubuntu 18.10 or later, the libvirt-bin package has been replaced. Install these prerequisites instead.

$ sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils

When these are installed, we need to check whether virtualisation is available to us.

$ kvm-ok

The output should look like this:

INFO: /dev/kvm exists
KVM acceleration can be used

If it does not, you may need to check your BIOS/UEFI and ensure that any CPU setting that controls virtualisation is enabled.

By default, we get a new bridge for KVMs, which we will leave untouched. We need a network for which MAAS will control DHCP, so we create a new one (source).

$ cat << EOF > maas.xml
  <forward mode='nat'/>
  <dns enable='no'/>
  <bridge name='virbr1' stp='off' delay='0'/>
  <ip address='' netmask=''/>
$ virsh net-define maas.xml
$ rm maas.xml
$ virsh net-start maas
$ virsh net-autostart maas

I had some issues from guests on this network. I could successfully get name resolution, but had no route to external hosts. Changing these settings got me around the issue:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.virbr1.proxy_arp=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.virbr1.proxy_arp_pvlan=1

Note that you will have to add these to /etc/sysctl.conf to make them permanent, and networking needs to be restarted after the change.

sudo netplan apply

Next create a default storage pool.

NOTE: These instructions come from here, but I don’t believe they are necessary if you choose to install the 2.6-alpha MAAS Snap. MAAS creates its own storage pool for nodes it manages. I installed MAAS 2.5.1. They might also be unnecessary for this version. If someone tries without the pool and can confirm, I will remove this section.

virsh pool-define-as default dir - - - - "/var/lib/libvirt/images"  
virsh pool-autostart default  
virsh pool-start default


At the time of writing, the MAAS Snap looks like this:

  stable:    2.3.3-6498-ge4db91d-snap        2018-06-15 (2589) 111MB -
  candidate: 2.3.3-6498-ge4db91d-snap        2018-06-15 (2589) 111MB -
  beta:      2.4.1-7032-g11e4fa3-snap        2018-08-15 (2654)  99MB -
  edge:      2.6.0~alpha1-7613-g38710e5-snap 2019-03-15 (3241) 107MB -

We want 2.5+, so going the Snap route means going bleeding edge. It does simplify set-up a little, so read on before making a choice.

The other option is installing from the stable MAAS PPA:

$ sudo apt-add-repository -yu ppa:maas/stable
$ sudo apt install maas

A maas user will be created for us at this time and we want to ensure that it is in the libvirt group in order to issue virtualisation commands.

$ sudo usermod -a -G libvirt maas

Next we want to initialise MAAS. If installing from the Snap, ensure that you use mode “all”. This will mean our host is both a region controller and a rack controller (read more here).

$ sudo maas init --mode all

Otherwise, omit the –mode option. In either case, just follow the prompts with sensible defaults.

Now you should be able to access http://localhost:5240/MAAS and do the initial setup for OS images, other users etc.


If installing from the Snap, one will notice that in the host’s capacity as a rack controller, the fabrics and subnets that we have access to are populated under the “Subnets” tab. Look at the “Controllers” tab. If we are not a “Region and rack controller”, we need to register ourselves as a rack controller.

Under the “Controllers” tab, click the “Add rack controller” button. Instructions will be shown; simply run them in a terminal. I modified the URL to use the loop-back address, so it was something like:

$ sudo maas-rack register --url http://localhost:5240/MAAS --secret whateveryoursecretis

After doing this, the “Subnets” tab will be populated with more than just a single empty fabric.

Now, identify the fabric that corresponds with the bridge network we created, by looking at its subnet ( Click on the VLAN link, click “Take action” and choose “Provide DHCP”.

After ensuring that the host is a working rack controller, it may take some time to download and sync images. Until this is done, we won’t be able to provision nodes, so give it a little time - progress can be checked on the “Images” tab.

Conflicts with LXD

If you are running LXD, you may find that LXD containers no longer get IP addresses. In my case the bind9 package installed by MAAS was listening on all interfaces (as it does by default), which conflicted with the LXD Snap dnsmasq. Check this via:

$ sudo netstat -lnp | grep ":53 "

If named is listening on all interfaces (including the LXD bridge), edit the file /etc/bind/named.conf.options and tell it to listen only on the virbr1 interface. My edited file looks like this:

options { directory "/var/cache/bind";
auth-nxdomain no;
listen-on-v6 { none; };
listen-on {; };
include "/etc/bind/maas/named.conf.options.inside.maas"; };

Then restart bind with:

$ sudo systemctl restart bind9

Pods and Nodes

Now access the “Pods” tab and click “Add pod”. Give it a name, “default” for zone and pool, and “Virsh” for the pod type. For the Virsh address, you should be able to use:


If MAAS cannot connect to the Virsh console, execute these steps, accepting the defaults (source).

$ sudo chsh -s /bin/bash maas
$ sudo su - maas
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -N ''
$ cp .ssh/id_rsa.pub .ssh/authorized_keys

For a snap installed maas do:

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/snap/maas/current/root/.ssh
$ cd /var/snap/maas/current/root/.ssh
$ sudo ssh-keygen -f id_rsa
$ cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Then for the Virsh address, this should work:


Now that we have a pod, all that remains is to commission some KVMs. Click on the new pod link, click “Take action” and choose “Compose”. In this way, I created 3 nodes with minimum 2 CPUs, 4GB memory and 8GB storage. Obviously this will vary based on requirements and available resources.

Now those nodes can be deployed, and your new local MAAS added as a Juju cloud. Use the virbr1 bridge for the MAAS address so that the Juju cloud looks like this:

    type: maas
    auth-types: [oauth1]

One last point. With my firewall enabled, commissioning and deploying both time out. I am in the process of determining what access needs to be granted. I will edit this post with the new information when I have it.


Can confirm running this with snap installation - super nice.


Made some edits regarding LXD dnsmasq/bind9 conflicts, and tweaking some kernel parameters to get access to external hosts from the KVM guests.

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Learned the hard way: ‘maas’ as the network name is a special name. When composing VM via Pods, it uses the ‘maas’ network first, or drops back to the ‘default’ if not found.

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Thanks for bumping this thread, btw. I didn’t see it first time around and it’s great!

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This seems quite nice. I’m curious if you tried setting up the MAAS region controller in a KVM instead of running it directly on your host machine. It seems like it would solve the issue of bind9 listening on all interfaces and conflicting, and also sets you up in a nice way if you ever want to do something different (run a different version of MAAS, set up another one, etc). If it makes it significantly harder, certainly having a nice flow is better.
It feels like the only differences are creating that first VM is probably quite a bit harder, and the SSH for the KVM Pod host goes to your actual host machine rather than


Yes; if I was doing it again, I would put the MAAS in its own VM - that is the way to go.

Perhaps if someone else gives it a lash, we can add that detail here.

I just gave Peter Matulis’ maas-one scripts a try. They worked quite nicely, and left me with a sweet little kvm maas controller on my laptop. I’d recommend checking those out if you’re curious about this, as they script some of the steps above, and setup some very nice networking.

@pmatulis: I ran into just a few issues:

  • I was using my laptop as the host, which means that I needed to replace the ubuntu user with my local laptop user in a couple of places.
  • The instructions are incomplete if you’re not using zfs for storage.
  • I’d recommend turning off authoritative DNS for your MAAS, as that caused high cpu issue due to named grinding. (I did this via the MAAS GUI after I had stuff setup.)

(I plan on submitting a PR against the maas-one README, covering that stuff.)

Thanks to Peter for all the work on this, and thanks to @manadart for the pointer to the maas-one project :slight_smile:


i’m tryng to commission a node (metal server node) in my local MAAS, but the commissioning fail because process go in timeout (due the boot node time) 60 seconds are not so much for poweron a physical server node. how to extend this time (maas 3.5 via SNAP) . 50-maas-01-commissioning? is possible to disable this or change parameter on it?